There are best practices for becoming a leading SEM & PPC company in Mumbai but even more opportunity to implement new ideas into your program.

1. Review New Features in Google Ads

Promotion extensions: Showcase products with a dollar or percentage discount.
Bid adjustments for phone calls: Increasing bid adjustments on ads with call extensions can drive those ads to be served more often.
● Outstream video campaigns: Mobile-only video ads served outside of Google and YouTube only on partner sites or apps.

2. Test New Platforms

● LinkedIn: Most appropriate for professional and business targeting.
● Pinterest: Products, services, consumer goods with a female-focused target.
● SnapChat: Younger demographic (13 to 35), video ads, app installs, filters, lenses.

3. Mobile Preference

Try to make changes in 10 percent increments or a small level to determine how the changes might impact the bottom line.

4. Test New Features

Another new feature with a bigger impact than both is the Audience Network in Bing Ads. It is AI-powered and can add a punch to your current search campaigns.

5. Audiences Integrated with Search

● Detailed Demographics: Marital status, parental status, home-ownership, education, household income.
● In-market and custom intent: Searches and online behavior signaling buying cues.
● Remarketing: Advertisers website visitors and YouTube

6. Learn to Use Scripts

PPC managers can learn to automate repetitive tasks in their Google Ads accounts using scripts added to the account.

7. Voice Search Preparation

You might not be getting a large quantity of voice searches yet. Most advertisers aren’t.
But it will be important for you to check in with the trends in your account.

8. Budget Review for 2019

Some advertisers get stuck in a rut and forget to review and reevaluate the distribution of their budgets.

Author's Bio: 

Some advertisers get stuck in a rut and forget to review and reevaluate the distribution of their budgets.