Many of my clients share that one of their biggest marketing challenges is actually connecting with enough prospects. They are doing all of this great work in their businesses, but not very many people know about their work; or at least not enough for the flow of business to be moving smoothly and easily. Stop. Start. Stop. Start. Sound familiar? There isn't one perfect way to consistently connect with prospects, but there are many ways that, when used collaboratively, will build you a nice stream of people who are interested in what you do.

To get the energy of your marketing moving, start with these 3 sure fire ways to connect with quality prospects. Remember, it isn't about connecting with everyone and anyone. It's about connecting to those prospects that are interested in you and what you offer, and the way you offer it.

1. Know Your Clients and Customers

I'm sure this is not new news to you. When you are in business for yourself, you must know whom you serve. The more you know about your ideal clients/customers, the better you'll know where and how to find them.

But here's another side to this that you won't hear a lot of business coaches talking about: Have you ever noticed how you behave differently when you're with different people? You operate one way with grandma and another with your mechanic, right? Now, obviously, we are always going for being genuinely ourselves, but still there's always a slight difference. It's the same when connecting with prospects. The more you know the essence of who you serve, the more you're able to always be on the same page with them. Then you aren't trying to talk to your mechanic the same way you would to grandma. It just isn't the same energy. No matter how hard you try to make it so.

2. Have Your Own Main Stay In-Touch Tool

This is a crucial tool when it comes to being able to connect with quality prospects. I always like to say, "Offer something F*R*E*E of extremely high value and content, in exchange for being able to stay in touch." Not everyone is ready to work with you right away. But because people are so busy and have so much information available to them, it can be easy for you to drop off of someone's radar--even if they are interested in what you have to offer. Better to stay in touch so they don't forget about you and you don't forget about them.

Now, there are many different ways to stay in touch: email, teleclasses, postcards, event announcements, and more.

The key point is that you choose at least 3 and then rank them in order of regularity and plug them in so they are consistent--like clock work. Prospects like to know they can count on you. For example, one you do once a week, another you do every other week and the third happens monthly.

3. Talk about Your Stay in Touch Tool

Having a stay in touch tool doesn't do us much good if we keep it to ourselves. No need to be shy. Let prospects feel how much you love to do what you do by inviting them to join you. This creates a "Hey, come join me!" energy, versus a, "Ugh, I have to chase you down" energy. Of course, the first option is rich with possibilities. You can go about inviting people in all sorts of ways. When you meet someone at a networking event, party, or just in casual conversation and they express interest in what you do. It's the perfect chance to invite them along. Everyone likes to be invited somewhere. When they join you, then you know you've connected with someone who is interested. You've started a relationship. This is the golden key.

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH(r) Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach, is the creator of the EnergyRICH(r) Entrepreneur Success System and, a company devoted to teaching healers, coaches and heart-centered entrepreneurs around the world how to partner Universal Energetic Principles with practical step-by-step "How-To's" to joyfully make more money in your business so you can better serve the world.

Through her EnergyRICH(r) Business Boot Camp, Private Mentor Coaching Programs, and products, Heather shows her students how to transcend lower level energies like fear and doubt to be able to build their business from a place of serving, joy and abundance. Get started right away with your free EnergyRICH® Success CD: