Low libido, discomfort or pain during sex that prevents you from getting an orgasm, vaginal dryness for no apparent reason: When we experience problems that affect our sex life, you probably turn to Dr. Google or your friends for advice.

Sure they may help you, but you’re forgetting the one person who’s actually trained in solving sex-related problems - your gynecologist. Breast exams and STD tests aren’t the only things they do, they are experts in female reproductive and sexual health. This means they have lots of insight and experience when it comes to the emotional and physical issues that are ruining your sex life.

We spoke to the top ob-gyns in the New York area to see how they can help with the most common sex issues women bring to their offices. Continue reading to find out what they said.

Low Libido
One of the most common problems your gynecologist sees is low libido. A study published in BMJ Open found that 34% of women said they lacked interest in sex for at least three months out of the year. And about half of those who lost their sex drive felt stressed by it.

Lowered sex drive may be caused by physical issues like hormonal fluctuations when breastfeeding, during pregnancy, or certain points in your cycle. Your sex drive can also sink from diminished testosterone levels (yes, women also produce testosterone, just in small amounts).

In such cases, your gyno may prescribe a compounded testosterone cream. However, it’s important to note that these creams aren’t FDA approved and may have side effects such as abnormal hair growth. There is an FDA approved pill specifically for treating low libido. Addyi, the so-called “female viagra” is an option. Keep in mind that you would need to take it daily and avoid alcohol while on it.

Feeling unattracted or disconnected from your partner will also lower your sexual desire. But if the problem is in your relationship, your gyno won’t be able to help you there. They may give you guidance on arousing yourself to improve your motivation. Some women can better understand what they like by experimenting with masturbation.

Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness is very common during and after menopause because your estrogen production decreases. But even 20% of women ages 18 to 50 experience it also, and your gyno can help.

There are two methods for dealing with dryness. The first is artificial lubricants, which you can use when your brain wants sex but your body isn’t being supportive. You can try both silicone- and water-based types to see which works best for you. Just make sure you don’t pair oil-based lubes with condoms, this may cause the condom to wear down.

You can also talk to your gynecologist about vaginal moisturizers, they work similarly to skin moisturizers. You can use over-the-counter products like Replens once or twice a week to keep your lady bits from becoming desert-like.

Your other option is estrogen pill, cream, or ring. These products replenish moisture and can be prescribed by your gynecologist. They won’t work for everyone, but your doctor can inform you if they are an option for you.

Painful Sex
Whether you feel pain during penetration or in the middle of intercourse, experiencing pain at any point of sex can quickly turn into an annoying problem. If the pain occurs during penetration, you may have a vaginal infection from an STD. It’s easy to find out, just visit your gyno doctor. He will run a few tests and either rule it out or treat it.

The feeling of internal pain may be due to uterine fibroids - benign growths inside or on the uterus. Usually, fibroids are harmless and don’t require removal. But if they are causing your sex life to suffer, you can discuss this option with your doctor.

Some women with endometriosis also experience painful sex. It’s a condition where your uterine lining moves into the pelvic cavity. So if your pain isn’t being caused by fibroids, your gynecologist may ask you about other symptoms of endometriosis, such as pelvic pain all month long or super painful periods. The only way to find out for sure is to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.

Author's Bio: 

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life, I wish the same for everyone.

Our attention to ourselves, to our daily routine and habits, is very important. Things that may seem insignificant, are pieces of a big puzzle called life. I want to encourage people to be more attentive to their well-being, improve every little item of it and become healthier, happier, stronger. All of us deserve that. And I really hope that my work helps to make the world better.