Based on the results of a survey conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA), at least one out of every third person is said to suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. Although instant medicines are available for treatment yet, doctors always recommend the use of natural techniques for controlling it. Most folks have successfully controlled hypertension by adopting a disciplined lifestyle.

In this article, we shall discuss about the natural ways of controlling high blood pressure.

What Is Hypertension?

Often termed as the "Silent Killer", high blood pressure is the indication of future heart disorders like strokes and heart failure. Symptoms include dizziness, headaches, frequent perspiration, chest congestion and breathing problems. Scientifically speaking, when the systolic pressure of your heart exceeds 140mm Hg and the diastolic pressure is over 90mm Hg (both in the case of adults), the person is suffering from hypertension.

Causes: Old age, heredity, consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet, stress and general lifestyle are a few major factors that can affect your healthy state.

How To Control It Naturally:

1) Healthy Routine: The patients should analyze their daily routine, work environment and general behavior. Make petty changes to your schedule in order to put things back in shape. Before opting for self-cure measures, it is advisable that you consult a physician, preferably a cardiologist.

2) Stress Management: Try to relieve stress. When a person is disturbed, his body tends to produce adrenaline (a hormone) that accelerates your heartbeat, enhances muscular contraction and constricts blood vessels. If these conditions go overboard, you will experience high blood pressure. You can relieve this tension by practicing stress buster exercises, meditation and regular walks. Getting a sound sleep or going for a body massage is equally effective.

3) Balanced Diet: Diet plays an important role in shaping your health. Victims of hypertension must follow a strict salt-free (rather, Sodium free) diet. The daily consumption of sodium should be less than 1,500 mg.

Include fresh and unprocessed eatables such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, whole grains, sprouts, nuts, beans and cold water dishes like salmon and tuna in your meals. Your portions should be cooked in olive oil since it is a low-fat medium.

Avoid caffeine, excess sugars, fast food, animal fats, soy sauce, cheese and other such stuff which has high amount of calories in it.

4) Use Supplements And Herbs: Calcium, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium are essential nutrients for the body. You can fulfill this requirement through items like garlic, flaxseed, mistletoe, Forskohlii, Rauwolfia and Hawthrone. Chinese medicines like Pheretima Asperillum and Stephania roots are a few additions in this list. These items trim down the blood pressure. You can use Stresx capsules as an effective herbal remedy for hypertension.

5) Maintain Regular Physical Activity: When your body participates in physical activities, your heart will put in lesser efforts in pumping blood and the walls will get strengthened up. In case of lack of activity, the pressure of blood in the arteries will decrease and sudden activity will increase the pressure tenfold. So you should keep maintain a steady rhythm. Obese people can settle down for activities like jogging, swimming, pet walking and stairs climbing.

If you follow these tips on regular basis, you can easily control high blood pressure naturally without wasting time, money and a lot of efforts.

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