When you adopt the attitude of choosing to let go of negative events, people and emotions from the past, you are actually making room for more positive and beneficial events, people and emotions to fill your life.

Out with the old and in with the new. The hinge on which the door to your better future is the amazing power of choice. And the choices that you available to you are based solely on your perspective.

On the now world famous DVD, 'The Secret', the great Bob Proctor begins by stating that, 'you can have anything you want'. Many people will take issue with Bob and go on to attempt to prove that their choices are limited.

I recently was called upon as a character witness in a wrongful death, malpractice lawsuit against a trauma surgeon. When the plaintiff's attorney called, he asked when I would be available for depositions. We set up a time where he and the doctor's attorney would ask me questions.

As I sat there giving the depositions and later while testifying on the witness stand, I was very aware of how people acquire the mindsets and attitudes that they own. They take depositions. They serve as prosecuting, accusing and even defense witnesses for their own experience of life.

Our attitude is based on how what think. It is consists on what we choose to focus upon and what filters we look through. Those filters and focus are established by what we expose our mind to through words.

Do you remember 'The Little Engine Who Could'? It was a popular book when I was a child. Though we didn't have a lot of material possessions, we do own one of these books.

The little engine couldn't climb the hill until it started saying that it could. In the example of the depositions, the little engine was giving witness to build its case for what it was able to do. It was giving testimony to prove a case. The late great Henry Ford said, 'If you think that you can do a certain thing or if you believe that you can't, either way, you are right.' Belief is established by what you hear. Give testimony that says that you can't do whatever you choose and you will prove your case. Give testimony that you can and you will also prove your case.

You can choose your attitude today. You have within you an amazing power to think whatever you want to think.

The stubborn and defiant little boy is standing up in the classroom while all the other students are seated. The teacher says to him, 'You must sit down'. He refuses and tells her emphatically, 'No!'

Again, she tells him to take his seat. He again refuses. Finally, she tells him that if he doesn't sit down then she would take him to the principals office and he would be a 'big trouble'.

Finally he relents and plops down in his seat.

Another little boy sitting nearby laughs at him. The defiant little boy says to all those around him, "I might be sitting down on the outside; but on the inside, I'm still standing up".

Your attitude is an 'inside job'. You choose what you focus on. You choose your internal language. You choose the good or the bad. You choose the empowering or the disempowering. You choose to believe in your abilities and your outcomes in life. Or you choose to complacently allow your attitude to default to the negative.

Make your choice today to start choosing to focus on the outcomes in life you want. Like the little engine, you will find that life will be much more rewarding, satisfying and adventurous when you do.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Murphy is the author of the breakthrough book, 'Powerful Attitudes'. He is also the author of the only completely personalized self-empowerment books for adults, on the planet.
Michael's "PowerFirmations" books have been hailed by best selling authors and success experts as 'the most powerful, personally life-changing book you'll ever own'. More than
a book, PowerFirmations is a success tool and personal development companion. It is like having your own success coach with you 24/7, 365 days a year. Imagine your name,
first and last, embedded in over 100 pages of 'powerful affirmations'. This 'tool' for success will instantly immerse you into the success process as it builds unstoppable
self-confidence, self-esteem and amazing personal power. To be, do and have all that you've ever dreamed of, this book is unparalleled. Michael also publishes a faith-based
book called, 'FaithFirmations'. With over 200 pages of ancient promises and spiritual truths, you name is embedded in several times per page.

Michael is a native of Texas which he still proudly calls 'home'. He is highly active in speaking and consulting for network marketing, direct marketing and Fortune 500 companies.
Michael's 'Powerful Attitudes' is available at www.amazon.com
and www.lulu.com.