Your consciousness in the moment of decision is what always makes the difference with everything in your life, including the health of your body, the success of your business, and the quality of your relationships! This is true because Consciousness determines the quality of all your decisions, which direct ALL of your Actions and Behaviors that create your Life.

The problem with “Consciousness” is that… only SOME decisions are made consciously (those that direct actions that create our desires); our OTHER decisions are made unconsciously (with “conscious” intention to create our desires, but do NOT) made from triggered re-active past trauma memory/decision patterns, which makes decisions in the present AS IF we were reliving our past, which creates our past in our present. When, such programmed memory patterns are allowed to unconsciously make decisions in the present AS IF you were reliving your past (trauma programmed decisions), you will recreate your past dysfunctional traumas as your present DRAMAS! Which, I call “TRAUMA DRAMAS!”

Thus, all human decisions/actions are made either Consciously or Unconsciously. Unconscious trauma memories spin our Life-force energy backwards (down and in) to counterbalance (a drag with a drag) to achieve homeostasis and survive what can’t be changed or escaped. This defensive ‘dragon’ programming is ONLY designed to SURVIVE the moment (and there are no points for defense (dragons…which creates long term disease, disorder, dysfunction, degeneration and death). BUT ‘Spirit’ energy is designed to fulfill our Divine intent when It is directed by the decisions and actions of Spirit Love and Light!

Consequently, we must consciously connect with our own personal programming (with Ah Ha’s) revealed by science that decodes our blocked energy flow from observational measurements that clearly identify and explain how certain unconscious trauma memory, programs specific decisions/actions that cause all the problems in your Life (body, business & relationships).

For 20 years Dr Allen has scientifically observed 1000s of client’s trauma programming using INFRARED to measure and track bioelectrical Life-force energy flow between their organs and glands, which reveals the story of how their blocked wiring circuits are connected to their decisions/actions… that manifest mentally, emotionally and physically …as their body’s health, their business success and the quality of their relationships. Science reveals a clear picture/map that integrates Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spirit Life-force energy into clear understandable Patterns of Life-Force Energy Blocks/Flows, which define the basic reality of INTEGRATED HEALTH & WELLNESS!

NEXT, we must become Conscious of our blocked Organs’ and Glands’ Divine Design so we may LEARN the LESSONS of how, where, when and what decisions/actions regenerate or degenerate those organs/glands …by first being conscious of what decisions/actions Reinforce, Enable and Maintain Drag on Organ/Gland systems, which de-generates that Organ/Gland System.

Each Organ/Gland system/function has BOTH an expressive Regenerative Spirit function …and a defensive suppressive Degenerative dragon function …aligned with specific mental THOUGHTS …emotional FEELINGS and …physical ACTIONS by either reactively defending and suppressing your true feelings from fear… OR proactively expressing your Spirit’s truth!

For example, the Stomach and small intestines’ physically function is to NURTUANCE by Digesting, Dissolving and Assimilating Food into Nurturance. People with emotional and digestive Stomach symptoms show blocks in the electrical energy flow circuits of the Stomach, as well as a history of indigestible circumstances of NOT confronting problems with sufficient emotional enzymes to digest, dissolve and assimilate their circumstances into feelings of being nurtured and happy. This is done by… clearly expressing… what you’re Happy about …& what you’re NOT happy about!.

This is the process of BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF by Clearly, Quickly and Appropriately Expressing your truth Effectively and Productively, by either writing and/or performing commanding new performances in the Movie of your Life (by re-scripting and RE-PERFORMING old bad scenes …into new GREAT scenes) …OR CUT the bad scenes from your life that can’t be upgraded.

YOUR LIFE IS ‘YOUR MOVIE’ (and You are the Star) and the Stock in Your Movie can’t afford “Bad Scenes”. Each organ/gland energy system has a unique Consciousness LESSON to choose Expression over Suppression (to maintain homeostasis) …of emotional organ/gland functions with clear quick accurate Perceptions (input), into clear quick and appropriate Expressions (output) that effectively resolves one’s physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual issues and problems.

Author's Bio: 

Dean G Allen, Ph.D.,,, and

Phone: 208-678-6955

Dr Allen taught a college course on the “Psychology of Consciousness” at Boise State University in the late 70’s and has since pursued a deeper understanding of this fascinating and increasingly relevant topic. For the past 21 years he has worked with 1000s of clients using a computerized infrared scanner that tracks electrical energy flow patterns between a client’s organs and glands, to then decode these energy flow patterns into the unconscious organ/gland decisions that are creating the problems of life, body, business & relationships. Organ/Gland consciousness is a refined awareness of each organ/gland’s specific purpose, plan, function, issues and trauma. Traumas to these O/G functions program ‘drag on’ Spirit Life-force energy flow that creates mental, emotional and physical health and life problems. These ideas are discussed more fully in Dr. Allen’s Transformational Workshops (THE ENERGY GAME) and in his soon to be published eBook, entitled “Consciousness: The Only Elegant Solution.