You know the voice. It sounds sort of like your mother, or maybe more like your father. Whoever it reminds you of, there are times when you just wish it would SHUT UP! There it is, living rent free in your head, and constantly nagging you to do this or that, and always ready to point out the very thing you are afraid everyone will notice!
“You’re too fat.” “You always fail!” “You never finish what you start.” “Loser!” “Coward.” Is there any end to the possible dark secrets that voice seems to know?

Recently I heard my Inner Critic say, “You are never any good on the phone!” This was in response to my reluctance to make some follow-up phone calls. Well, no wonder I was reluctant, with messages like that grabbing at me whenever it was time to call someone. I got sick of tripping over the same criticism! I’ve heard it ever since I was a kid and required to call people from the phone book to ask what church they attended. You can imagine how responsive people were to that question!

Currently, I have very good reasons to make phone calls and I wanted to make them happily and freely. So I applied my trusty coaching technique to myself: How to Change a Limiting Belief.

• What is the limiting belief? In this case it is that I am never good on the phone.

• What actions do I take as a result of this belief? I put off making phone calls or make them much later than I should.

• What results do I get when I act this way? My procrastination causes me to miss out on some business and occasionally I don’t schedule or confirm social events.

• What results do I want to have? I want to connect with people in a timely manner and in an appropriate way and they respond as I had hoped.

• What actions do I need to take to have these results? I need to pick up the phone and call people spontaneously and with great relish!

• What belief do I have to have to produce these actions? I am a fabulous communicator by telephone and people are waiting to hear from me!

The funny thing is I make my living on the telephone. I actually love talking to clients and friends on the phone. I am a coach, both a life coach and a nutritional cleansing coach, and I love working on the phone! Why the dichotomy? As a life coach, clients call me. I’m just learning how to be a nutritional cleansing coach, and currently I have been the one initiating the phone calls. That’s where the voice in my head takes over. When it was time to make a call, I get cold feet.

I figured there were two things I could do: stop making calls or set it up so they call me. Then I realized that I always had the option to change my thinking. I am a fabulous communicator by telephone and people are waiting for me to call them! Yippee!

© 2008, Jacqueline Hale

Author's Bio: 

Jacquie Hale guides women to live a healthy, wealthy, and balanced life. Her expertise in health issues comes from her experience as a medical technologist and natural health consultant. She has a BS in biochemistry and a graduate degree in Natural Health and is always investigating alternative health topics. She has helped many women and men discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.

She has helped many women discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.

Jacquie gives back to the community and the world as a volunteer. She has been a hospice worker, the Executive Director of the Pacific Mozart Ensemble, a youth group leader, and will soon travel to Africa to co-lead a Leadership program for girls in Kenya and Tanzania. She is a wife and the mother of grown daughters. She has been an employee, a free-lance consultant, and has created her own business. She is old enough to collect Social Security and young enough to have big dreams!

About the Author:
Jacquie Hale guides women to live a healthy, wealthy, and balanced life. Her expertise in health issues comes from her experience as a medical technologist and natural health consultant. She has a BS in biochemistry and a graduate degree in Natural Health and is always investigating alternative health topics. She has helped many women and men discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.
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