"What the heck is she talking about now?!", you're probably asking yourself. "The carrot and the stick? Is this some new schtick?" (sorry!) Well, actually, if you've heard me talk, you know I often ask you to treat yourself like the proverbial donkey - by rewarding yourself for following through (the carrot), and/or assigning some unpleasant ramification for not following through (the stick).

Since following through on tasks or activities that aren't inherently pleasurable (flossing, preparing our tax returns, getting on that exercise program or diet) isn't easy for most of us, we often continue to put off what we know we should be doing. Our Best Intentions can be strong and present in our minds, but if the distastefulness, tedium, difficulty, or overwhelmingness are more dominant, we frustratingly watch those Best Intentions melting and dissolving like a snowman in the summer, time and time again.

Here's where carrots and sticks come in. It can be very helpful to use an incentive to drive your behavior. Here's how it works: say your Best Intentions want to spend 45 minutes decluttering (or substitute what you've been delaying on here), though other parts of you are rebelling mightily. What would make it worth your while to follow through? A glass of wine, a movie, dinner out, a nap, putting off doing your taxes for another day? (just KIDDING on that last one!!) Or conversely, you could tell a friend/relative/coworker that you'll do something for them (that you'd prefer very much NOT to do) if by tomorrow you haven't spent 45 minutes decluttering - clean their bathrooms? Babysit their less-than-well-behaved kids? Wear a really stupid hat all day in public?

Certainly, the key is to find "inexpensive" incentives (in terms of money, time, or calories) that are worthwhile working for. If you think about it, I'll bet you've been successful at doing this in the past in various ways. You may not have considered how doing so now can help you get done those things you've been avoiding like the plague.

Author's Bio: 

"Plagued by the temptation to procrastination? Would you like 2006 to be your year for procrastination renunciation? If you think overcoming procrastination is only about will-power and discipline, think again. Procrastination Expert and Coach Kerul Kassel has worked with hundreds of people on their procrastination challenges and created a quiz as a result: www.newleafsystems.com/one.php, or visit www.stopprocrastinatingnow.com. "