I was going to title this Loving Our Bodies, but decided that might be going a bit too far! Since most of us have issues with various parts of our bodies, I reckon that liking is probably as good as it gets, and that’s okay. Anyway, the Love your body slogan has been overused for years.

My body feels very relaxed after several soaks in a hotspring pool over the weekend. When I feel relaxed physically - really relaxed - I’m more connected with my body. Then it’s not just a package that carries me places and has useful appendages! I feel like the disparate parts of me are joined…my physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. And I definitely like my body more.

I’m suddenly realizing it takes more effort and more awareness to truly connect the dots, so to speak, of body, mind and spirit than I formerly thought. We may think we’re congruent, but maybe only partially.

In counselling and coaching we have a term called join up or joining which means the client and worker have had a meeting of minds, hearts, etc. That is necessary to do deep work. I wonder if it would be helpful if to think of the different aspects of ourselves in that way?

We could check in with our physical body as a whole, and also various parts of it, asking them how they’re feeling. (This may sound odd, but you’ll always get helpful and sometimes surprising information). We can then offer ourselves what we need and this will result in a ‘join-up’ or congruency within us.

I thought you’d like the following. It’s a nice commentary from one of my fav blogs on the TV show How to Look Good Naked:

Our Body Images

Author's Bio: 

Ellen Besso inspires and guides Midlife Women as they navigate the midlife maze and find joy & fullness in their lives. Working with Ellen, renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

Ellen’s calling is to support and mentor midlife women and she is uniquely qualified to do this with 25 years as a women’s coach and counsellor and as a fellow midlife maze navigator

If you yearn to:
· Clarify your midlife journey
· Move closer to your personal truth
· Connect with your body, mind & spirit
· Allow joy back into your life
· Realize your dreams

Contact Ellen with your questions, to book a session or to read her articles:
Blog: ellenbesso.com/midlifemaze
800 961 1364 – N.Am.