It is important that I forgive myself for being less then perfect as far as the physical goes. I know that I am the perfect expression of the Divine but I have, at times, made choices and acted in ways that went against that natural flow of good in my life.

I forgive myself for not being the perfect person. I forgive myself for not pursuing my talents. I forgive myself for sabotaging my own success. I forgive myself for being negative towards myself and others. I forgive myself for putting myself first, or last, for so many years. I forgive myself for not caring better for my body.

I now choose to love myself and to see myself as that perfection of the Divine. I know, in the Mind of the Divine, there is nothing to forgive. There is no one but myself keeping track. There is no record of my flaws. I know that I am loved and I am loving beyond my wildest imagination.

I choose today to:

1. acknowledge the wholeness, the allness of Universal Love. There is no place where the Divine is not. I know that there is only Love.
2. realize that I am part of a greater Good. I am creative because I was made from that which is the Great Creator.
3. expand my concept of the Greater Good. I embrace that I am part of a Greater Power. I fully embrace and accept myself and release all forms of self-judgment
4. be grateful for the knowledge that all of my attitudes, feelings and thoughts are part of the Greater Good. None of my attitudes, feelings, or thoughts are outside of the Divine because there is nothing outside of this Universal Love we call God.
5. release myself into Divine fulfillment. I am fulfilled, this moment, as I am, nothing to change or correct. There is only Good. There is only Peace.

I have a capacity to see my ultimate purpose. I move forward in manifesting this purpose. I now see my amazing potential for creative living. I rest in the knowledge that I am wrapped in an infinite supply of Unconditional Love.

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Regina Yegge is a Spiritual Counselor & Psychic Medium, a Medical Intuitive (Specialties: Addictions and Love & Relationships), and an Ordained Minister. To contact Rev. Regina, call (208) 323-2323