The 'Game of Life' …is an ‘Energy Game’ …between the Tools & the Rules of ENERGY!

Your TOOLS began at conception with 23 pairs of chromo-somal (light-body) memory banks that evolved into your 23 Spirit Life-force organ/gland energy systems' (tools) for you to play your Game of Life. To win this Game, You must play it by the RULES, which are the natural Laws of energy flow; or The Tao! Consciousnes gives us the ‘discrimination’ of energy needed to effectively ‘express’ your personal power so you get more ‘points’ and fewer ‘penalties’ in your Game of Life.

‘Energy’ always operates according to the ‘Laws’ of energy (physics/metaphysics) so your 23 organ/gland (O/G) ‘energy’ systems are designed to achieve/maintain ‘homeostasis’ (Life) by either ‘expressing or suppressing’ energy flow to ‘regenerative or degenerate’.

When each O/G energy system of circuits are ‘expressed’ they regenerate/rejuvenate like a flowing stream of water, but when ‘suppressed’ …the system degenerates/dysfunctions to create disease/disorder with symptomatic messages that clarify your problem/solution!

The question is, “Can you decode your ‘symptomatic message’ to solve the problem? Solutions are clear ‘perceptions’ that reveal natural ‘solutions’ aligned with the Laws of energy to ‘Express’ the right Dose …at the right Time …that Eliminate the Problem!

If you can be ‘Conscious, Quick Enough’ to make Clear/Quick Decisions/Actions within (.5 of a second from the stimulus) your Point-of Power …you will have Personal Power!
If you can’t …your power will be subtracted from your maximum potential by defensive ‘drag on’ your Spirit Life-force energy flow, which creates degeneration (or aging).

There are No points for defense! Defense is about stopping others from getting points!

Thus, we must learn to play ‘offense’ by expressing your Spirit, rather than ‘defense’ by expressing ‘drag on’ your energy by ‘suppressing/over-expressing’ your truth, clearly, quickly and appropriately to effectively/productively gain ‘points’ and regenerate!

When you know how Life’s Energy Game works, by clearly understanding how the Rules (Laws of energy – Physics & Metaphysics) work …you can consciously align with the Laws of energy… so “The Force is with You” …expressing your organ/gland perceptions with discriminations from listening and considering opposition with potential for truth …but continuing to express ‘your truth’ in a humble manner, if not convinced.

If everyone did this we would all function more effectively and have more personal power to create more ‘long term solutions’ by being conscious enough in-the-moment to avoid costly ‘penalties’ from ‘short term solutions’ that create long term problems.

Consciousness is the only elegant solution to human problems BECAUSE it’s the only thing that gives us a CHOICE to make clearer/quicker decisions that consciously creates your Spirit desires …without recreating your past, in the present, so you are reliving and recreating the traumas of your past… as ‘trauma-dramas’ in your present!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Dean Allen holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Utah State University and began his career doing biofeedback research for his doctoral dissertation on "Autonomic Nervous System Control as a Function of Imagery". He also taught a University course on the Psychology of Consciousness for 3 years at Boise State University. He was later a Wellness Consultant for the Times Publishing Company, and created the Health Enhancement Institute in Florida at Innisbrook resort, where he taught Stress Management and Biofeedback for personal insights to improve clients' relaxation abilities and enhance their personal skills/power.