When we are simply being we are in the flow. When I was in group therapy in the 80’s in the Toronto area,The flow of life on the Ganges River, Varanasi, India - the city of living & dying the facilitator told us about different stages of development, including ‘being’ and ‘doing’. She said most people were in doing mode almost exclusively. She taught us how to simply be.

I know now that it is the nature of western society to be productive and to rush around…to be in the doing stage…and this has intensified greatly over the years, to the point where now many of us are in a frenzy of outward activity. Eventually this has affected our internal life and now many people are feeling that they are spinning crazily out of control. They are experiencing racing thoughts and a sense of uncenteredness.

The excerpt below is from the Daily Om. It talks about how we can resist the flow of nature that is always there, or we can choose to move with it. I believe It takes trust and somewhat of a leap of faith to take the second route.

Whatever is needed for our spiritual growth is brought to us. If we don’t learn it the first time around, it happens over and over again in different, and more intense forms. For example in intimate relationships we often make similar choices of unsuitable partners until we, not they, change, and do something differently.

I’ve spent much of my life trying to resist the flow…trying to control outcomes of various events in my life, as I suspect most of us have. I think I’m finally getting it and learning to let go.

I hope you find this excerpt helpful.

The flow of the universe moves through everything. It is in the rocks that form, get pounded into dust, and are blown away. It is in the blossoming of a flower born from a seed planted in the spring. The growth cycle that every human being goes through is part of this natural flow, which is also the current that takes us down life’s paths. When we move with it rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal wave that allows us to flow with life.

Many people live struggling against this current. They try to use force or resistance to will their lives into happening in the way they think it should. Others move with it like a sailor using the wind, trusting that the universe is taking them exactly where they need to be at all times. This flow is accessible to everyone because it travels through and around us. We are always riding it—it is just a matter of whether we are willing to go with it or we resist it. Choosing to go with the flow is often a matter of relinquishing the notion that we need to be in control at all times.

The flow is always transporting you where you need to go. It is merely a question of deciding whether you plan on accepting the ride or having it take you there with your feet dragging. Learning to step into it can help you feel a connection to a force that is greater than you and is always there to support you. The decision to go with the flow takes courage because you are surrendering the belief that you need to do everything by yourself. Riding the flow of the universe can be effortless, exhilarating, and unlike anything you ever expected. When you are receptive to being in it, you open yourself to possibilities that exist beyond the grasp of your control.

As a child, you were naturally swept by the flow. Tears of sadness falling down your face could just as quickly turn to tears of laughter. The mere tiniest wave carrying you forward off the shores of the ocean could transport you into peals of delight.

Our souls feel good when we go with the flow of the universe. All we have to do is make the choice to ride its currents.

Excerpt from the new DailyOM Book

Author's Bio: 

As a Life Coach and Group Facilitator, Ellen Besso inspires and guides MidLife Women as they navigate the maze of midlife to find joy & fullness in their lives. Working with Ellen, renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

Ellen is uniquely qualified to fulfill her calling of helping midlife women, with 25 years as a women’s coach, counsellor, group facilitator and as a fellow midlife maze navigator.

If you yearn to:
· Clarify your midlife journey
· Move closer to your personal truth
· Connect with your body, mind & spirit
· Allow joy back into your life
· Realize your dreams

Contact Ellen with your questions, to book a session or to read her articles:
Blog: ellenbesso.com/midlifemaze
800 961 1364 – N.Am.