I never really paid much attention to the educational work that has been done on hypnosis until I reached a certain point in my own personal development work. I finally realized that one of the big blockages for me was how much influence I had on my interactions with other people and I wanted to do something to change that.

So that's when I decided to investigate the power of conversational hypnosis and how it would allow me to more strongly influence and persuade people to my point of view on a day to day basis. Some might call this a form of manipulation, but I prefer to think of it as a more powerful form of communication. Over the years I've spent a lot of time banging people (metaphorically, of course!) over the head getting them to agree with me.

The heavy-handed approach to influencing people works, but it doesn't necessarily win you any friends. Using conversational hypnosis, on the other hand, accomplishes the same thing with far more subtlety. Instead of people grumpily agreeing with me and doing things my way, they happily agree to do things my way and consider it their own idea.

Learning conversational hypnosis is more than just learning how to control people, it's also about learning how to read people. Paying attention to body language, facial expressions, hesitation and hand gestures in order to understand just where and why someone is blocking you allows you to better understand how you need to approach them to develop the kind of instant rapport that makes life so much easier if you're not a hermit living in a cave.

Just some of the differences that conversational hypnosis can make in your life including things like having immediate rapport with clients and co-workers -- useful whether you are the boss or a subordinate. One area where I really noticed a surprising difference was in my political activism.

I've always been one of those people who volunteered to get out on the streets -- for all kinds of causes, and if you've ever done something like this yourself, you know that no matter what kind of "cause" you are out there trying to make people aware of, there is always someone who will be disgruntled about it. And you end up spending more time on the street arguing with people than sharing information about your volunteer organization. Unless of course you've learned the power of conversational hypnosis, in which case, you can instantly deflect the arguments and win immediate supporters to whatever cause you are espousing. And that's with total strangers.

Now imagine this kind of power put to use in your personal life with people you know and talk to on a regular basis. Need a raise from your boss? Piece of cake. He'll be convinced it's his idea. Met someone who would make a great girlfriend? Well, I think you know where I'm going with this!

Author's Bio: 

Ready to accomplish amazing things? Then learn Conversational Hypnosis, featuring many covert methods of rapidly gaining rapport and making your hypnotic suggestions powerfully persuasive through everyday conversation.

Emma Martin is a student of NLP and persuasion techniques designed to improve the way you communicate with other people, including rapid hypnosis tools like the Handshake Induction.