It’s easy to want and expect a quick fix for our problems when we live in a results-oriented, concrete society such as ours. But there is no quick fix.

This doesn’t mean we need years of therapy; it simply means we must pay attention to our internal lives, not just the externals. We can be very productive and still be in tune with ourselves at the center. It’s actually quite simple.

Firstly, being aware of our breathing tunes us in to our center, the place where the essence that is us lives. Breathing in and out slowly several times accomplishes three things: it slows us down, it oxygenates us and it grounds us in ourselves. Doing this every 15 to 30 minutes makes an enormous difference in our day. (you can use post-its or set a timer as a reminder)

Secondly, checking in with ourselves hourly provides a great deal of information about where we’re at body, mind and spirit. Ask “What do I need right now, this minute?” For example: Is it food, water, a comforting warm drink, do I need to move my body, get fresh air, stretch, breath, sit meditatively, be near trees or water, stop work?. You may get additional answers as well.

If we take the time to connect with ourselves, we will find out what we need. Then we can follow up by actually doing these things, as soon as possible. If we follow through on what our body-mind-spirit tells us it needs develops trust. So give yourself the gift of internal connection today.

Author's Bio: 

Ellen Besso inspires Midlife Women as they navigate the midlife maze and find joy & fullness in their lives. During our time together we will renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

My calling is to support and mentor midlife women. I am uniquely qualified to do this with 25 years as a women’s coach and counsellor and as a fellow midlife maze navigator

I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or would like to book a session

To find out more and read my articles:

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