Being in love is a wonderful thing, yet being able to know how to say I love you may be harder than you think.

People who enjoy listening to others saying nice things about them often feel they are loved but according to how to say I love you, what you say is much less important than HOW you say it.
The following percentages have been determined by research on the art of knowing how to say I love you:

The words you say count for 7% of the impact, your tone of voice contributes 38%, and your body language as you speak makes up a huge 55% of communcation.

Can you remember all the times you said “I love You”, even to someone who likes to hear it, and it came up short compared to if you understood how to say I love you?

Here are a few tips to keep in mind about how to say I love you for the next time you are going to say it.

The first step is to present your body, in a way to express you are open, by making sure your legs and arms are uncrossed with palms facing forward.

How to say I love you needs the following as well.

To show you are interested, be wary of your eyes looking around the room because this will show the opposite. Your eyes should be softly looking upon the face of your lover.

To show positive feelings you must have soft facial expressions, such as an easy smile.

Your voice needs to be trusting so your tone has, to be relaxed and easy, to express warmth.

If your partner enjoys being touched, keep a comforting hand upon them as you speak your love and they will know it.

To really know how to say I love you keep the following in mind.

Keep your partner’s need for personal space in mind during communication, most people need it while some enjoy being close.

Another thing to consider is that listening to your partner is just as or more important than what you want to say to them.

A communication skill set called Active Listening instructs you to repeat back what you just perceived from your partner. This exercise forces you to pay close attention and not let your mind disengage trying to formulate a response while someone is talking. It is best to discuss this method with your partner before you attempt it.

Agree to work on this together and you will increase your ability to know when and how to say I love you.

Author's Bio: 

Glenn M Smith is the author of Lotus Petal

His site has resources for both ladies and men to increase their knowledge of how to say I love you. so they may attract more love into their lives. All rights reserved 2009.