In the book, Soul-Discovery: The 9 Principles for Revealing Your Sacred Gifts, I invite you to use your imagination and think of one of the most glorious and beautifully brilliant moments in your life. The reason your imagination is so vital in this experience is the fact that when you facilitate the power of your intuitive mind, you are able to truly feel and embrace the present moment in which you exist. This allows you to draw on the feeling of inner peace.

"The key in this moment is to breathe into the feelings and the vibration of the sensation ringing inside of you." You see, by breathing in the actual moment in which you are, you are able to feel the core of your inner consciousness; and are empowered to manifest an inner peacefulness beyond words. This inner peace is the Divine flow of Universal energy that brings together the mind, body, and spirit to work as one as your sacred self.

Make this moment the most precious and beautiful time of your life. Experience its richness, embrace its wonder. Allow your intuitive consciousness to awaken your sacred self. In doing so, you are able to strengthen the vision and power of your mind; and suddenly, you are gaining the personal and spiritual growth to realize your destiny and your heart’s desires.

With daily practice, this process helps you stay connected with your soul, and creates an internal environment of positive creativity and inner peace. Remove all the negative thought patterns in your mind, and reprogram your mind to imagine and visualize positive energy flowing in and through your sacred self. This is your direct line to the Divine Source, and the roadmap to achieving greatness in all you do.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

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Using Your Imagination to Manifest the Power of Your Mind
By Joan Marie Whelan

Author's Bio: 

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her much anticipated first book, "Soul-Discovery: The 9 Principles for Revealing Your Sacred Gifts" premieres June 24, 2008. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: and click on membership programs.