As already mentioned, we're right there at the time of change, a time of expansion of consciousness. This is the time of love. We must learn to live in communities again. This also means that we must open ourselves to the people to whom we give our unconditional love. Say goodbye, to speak about my husband and my wife. Who wants to possess love, will not obtain love. When two people meet who have never learned to love themselves, how can two love-hungry people exchange love? They expect only and have nothing to give. Only when we learn to love ourselves, we can stop the love dramas in our life. Between love and possession is a big difference. By the misguided love image we have created a global battlefield – which shows up in our private life, too.

In our hearts we, however, continue to be yearning for fulfilling love. What happens to two people who think they love each other, when they get married? The building or buying a house leads them directly into lifelong commitments, and the rat race is inevitable, and the problems take their course. Both are caught in the machinery of the generally accepted social system, but the deep desire never goes away completely. However, that scenario which is reality for most people increases the tension that will eventually be broken by one of two partners: divorce, illness or burnout.

Only through a changed love image we will be able to experience peace inside and outside. As long as we are busy with our claims of ownership (my house, my land, my car, my family, my business, and other state symbols), we are in war against us and our planet.

But it shows up in the public life as well. People who need the recognition of certain groups which misguide and manipulate them by giving them the feeling they belong to the big family. The people who join these organizations have never learned to love themselves. If you start loving yourself, your consciousness is growing and you get to know yourself. Then you do not need others who tell you who you are and what you need to do.

Start in the morning to be grateful for another day full of wonders. When you go to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror, wish yourself a good morning and say: “I fully and completely love myself and I wish you a wonderful day, your name!” do that for several weeks until you feel it. Use the Law of Gratitude to attract the right people in your life. People who have learned to love themselves. Say Good-bye to the ones who do not want to change.

Author's Bio: 

As a Success & Business Coach Angela loves to help people to get out of feat and worries to live a life in peace, ease and success. She givces seminars and writes books