Storage is always on priority in a small space such as a bathroom. There are so many little odds and ends like make-up, razors, toilet papers, hairbrushes and others. You only have to put all these things well arranged. If this clutter is getting out of control, it might be the time to check out these bathroom storage ideas:

1)You can add a shelf above the sink for an easy approach to the stuff you use every day. Try a glass shelf for this purpose to keep things light and airy and they won't get ruined by water.

2) Do not neglect the space above your toilet. This is a great space for some shelves, cabinets or maybe a simple basket for toiletries or reading materials. You can hang racks for organizing the makeup on the wall.

3) If there is no space for a towel rack, you can hang them on the back of the door. Either with a rack which is specifically made for the doors by making your own setup.

4) You can mount a shelf above the door and can hang your hair dryer on the inside of the cabinet door, that will save your space and also save your time. Since it will be a lot easier to find the one. This holder can hold other products like the hairbrush, curlers, and others. They can be hung inside the bathroom door to get some good effect.

5)The drawer that is inside your cabinets will maximize the bathroom storage space and make the searching procedure easier for you. This under sink space mixes up the most restricted spaces. You can try bathroom cabinets that make small items easier to approach.

6) If you have the pedestal sink or wall mounted style sink and no cabinets to speak of, there is still a hope for you. These shelves are designed to fit around a pedestal sink or the pipe of a wall mounted sink.

10) You would be amazed at how much stuff you can fit into the really narrow cabinets. This particular one wins out over other bathroom cabinets because it has shelving and drawers. You don't have to pull out the whole cabinets every time you want something.

11) You can use baskets, trays, and bins to stay organized especially in kid's bathroom. The inexpensive cutlery tray can be used to hold makeup accessories like tubes and combs. Plastic shoe boxes are great for stashing ointments you can easily rinse out of the box. You can keep hairbrushes and combs into tall and narrow vases.

12) Don't think that you have enough space to install a shelf. A narrow shelf can help in storage issues. Jars and bottles only need a few inches of a shelf space. You can place hooks on the underside of the shelves to hang clothes and towels.

13) Use all your vertical space in the bathroom. You can fill open wall space with floating shelves. They are readily available at large-scale retailers. They are inexpensive and easy to install.

14) You can get creative with the wall storage. A wooden barrel is sliced into pieces and then dividers are added then they were hang on the wall to hold the towels, clothes, toilet papers and other bathroom stuff.

Conclusion: Bathroom storage is as important as other storage facilities in the home. There are enormous utilities and toiletries that should be arranged in proper manner so that you can save your time and energy in finding things. These all mentioned ideas are beautiful and you can use these ideas for your bathroom storage and management.

Author's Bio: 

Author has interest in interior designing and decoration. She explores new ideas in designing and decoration. She loves to share her ideas of interior designing through her writing.