It’s an ancient Chinese philosophy. But it works today as well as it did 3,000
years ago.

In fact, in this chaotic, instant-messaging, frantic world searching for hope,
progress and positive change, the principles of Feng Shui probably have more relevance
than ever.

Feng Shui is a name given to a particular lifestyle which began in Ancient China
that leads to balance, harmony and well-being in your life. Feng Shui however is not a
religion, a cult or a band-aid. A modern day name would be Energy Cultivation - the use
of positive personal energy to create calm and balance in your life while it honors your
existing beliefs such as your personal religious convictions.

For example, Christian families might have symbols of their religious faith such a
cross, pictures and statues of Mary, Jesus, Archangels and numerous saints. These
symbols are an important source of positive energy in their homes and are automatically
part of the energizing process for such families.

Angels provide wonderful protective and supportive energy in children’s
bedrooms and in the public rooms of the home. Other religious symbols provide
wonderful positive energy placed in the center of the home, in family and living rooms.
In those locations they serve as the foundation for the family' values and respect for

Jewish families often have a collection of menorahs and a 'mezzuzah' on the
doorpost of their home to bless their entering their home. They may have additional
'mezzuzot' on other doors to bless their coming and going from those rooms as well and
special foods that are representative of their religious observances. Just as noted above
these symbols become part of the energizing process for that family in their home. Feng
Shui supports the creation of positive energy by being inclusive of the existing beliefs,
faith and principles already existing in a home.

Energy that Supports You

Feng Shui utilizes positive energy to support you and your beliefs - to revitalize
the soul, un-clutter the home, to eliminate negative self-talk and make people more
productive (and fulfilled) at home and in the workplace.

It does so by a number of methods. Perhaps the biggest benefit is uncluttering
both your physical and emotional worlds, to allow positive energy to enter. Another
important aspect is that it helps you balance your surroundings/environment through the
use of color, shape, and sound. Then there’s the placement of household objects and art.

Your home can be transformed into a peaceful refuge from that frantic world
outside, a place where you can find your balance again - a place that flows with positive
energy. And when your home feels that way…your mind and body do, as well.

Your workplace will be transformed into space that provides you better focus and
more productivity. When your workplace is filled with positive energy it will also be
filled with planned intentional success.

The results? You’re a calmer, more focused, more productive person. You get
more pleasure out of life. You’re better-able to determine which things to keep and which
to throw out…not only from your closet, but from your life. Your home becomes a place
of peace and harmony…a true refuge from the everyday pressures of the outside world.
Your workplace becomes a place where preparation and opportunity meet.

You learn to determine what you can control and what you can’t. You’re better
able to live in the Now, instead of worrying about past events that did once happen or
possible future events that may never happen.

By getting in touch with your true priorities in life, you eliminate the chaos and
stress so calm and peace can enter. When calm and peace have entered, you’ve created a
sanctuary. Once you’ve created your sanctuary in your personal environment, you learn
to nurture yourself and have a better more productive enjoyable life.

Feng Shui is definitely not a religion but supports the religion you observe. Feng
Shui truly is a lifestyle that is all about improving your lot in life through the use of
positive energy by eliminating clutter, chaos and stress and replacing them with calm,
peace and joy while honoring your faith and personal convictions.

© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2008

Author's Bio: 

Pat Heydlauff, CEO of Energy By Design, draws her knowledge and wisdom from life experiences and personal issues. She experienced and overcame many challenges such as job elimination, illnesses, loss of sight in one eye and care-taking. Pat was divinely guided to balance her world through her artistic expression, painting. This put her in a state of prayer and meditation which lead her to create the art book, “The Way We Go” Your Roadmap to a Better Future. She is also the author of published books, Feng Shui, So Easy a Child Can Do It, Selling Your Home with a Competitive Edge, and new eBook series, 21 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement. Contact her at 561-408-2708 or