Anaemia is a red blood cell disorder that develops when there are inadequate RBCs or haemoglobin in the body. Haemoglobin is the protein molecule that transports oxygen from the lungs to every tissue in the body.

Some common symptoms of anaemia are -

  • Dizziness
  • Lack of energy or fatigue
  • Pale skin
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of concentration


Some of the main causes of anaemia are –

  • Blood Loss
  • Inadequate RBC production
  • If the RBC’s are destroyed or removed


There are several treatment options to treat anaemia, depending upon the cause. Some of which are mentioned below.

Anaemia due to Iron deficiency: This condition is usually cause by insufficient consumption of dietary iron, inability of the body to absorb iron, or due to excessive bleeding. Adding an iron supplement in addition to consuming iron rich foods is beneficial under such circumstances.

Anaemia due to Vitamin deficiency: This type of anaemia is usually treated by making dietary changes and taking B-12 vitamin shots. Initially, these shots are required every other day. In due course, it cuts down to one shot a month depending upon the situation and condition.

Bone marrow aplasia anaemia: This type of anaemia can develop at any age. Treatment options include blood transfusion to help boost levels of RBC and controlling bleeding. A blood and stem cell transplant may cure the disorder in some people.

Chronic disease anaemia: This type varies in severity from one person to another. There is no treatment for this kind of anaemia and attempts are usually made to improve the iron balance. If symptoms turn severe then injections of synthetic erythropoietin may help stimulate the RBC production and stop fatigue.

Haemolytic anaemia: If the condition is mild, medication is not necessary at all. Lifestyle tweaks, blood or stem cell transfusion, or surgery to remove the spleen, are some treatment avenues.

Sickle cell anaemia: This condition is caused when there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. Treatment for this condition may include the administration of oxygen, folic acid, antibiotics, or blood transfusion. A drug called Droxia or Hydrea is also used for treatment.

Thalassemia or Cooley’s anaemia: It is an inherited blood disorder. This anaemia may be treated with transfusions of blood, folate intakes, medication, spleen removal, or a blood and stem cell transplant.

Plasmapheresis is a blood purifying process which is done if there are further severities.

Other diagnostic tests

  • A test can be done to determine the shape of the red blood cells since in this condition some of the RBCs may differ from the rest in size and shape.
  • Haemoglobin electrophoresis can help detect the type of anaemia.
  • A complete blood count can also help identify any condition such as leukaemia and kidney diseases.

A reticulocyte test is done to check the number of RBC’s and whether they are being produced at an accurate rate in the bone marrow.

Objective of the treatment   

The main objective of anaemia treatment is to get the RBC numbers back to normal. Iron-deficiency anaemia can be treated by eating a well-balanced diet that includes good sources of iron, Vitamin B-12, vitamin C; as well as through medication and folate intake.

Author's Bio: 

Swapnil– initial based in Mumbai Graduate student of data sciences I used to write on different topics which I like most such as Technology, Health etc.