I have read more than 50 books on the Law of Attraction and they all focus on the same thing but the way of expression is different. I cannot see any difference of opinion between, the writers main focus. They all believe in the state of receiving. They all agree on the power of gratitude. They all are convinced of the idea that positive begets positive. They all think our thoughts define us. They all stress upon being stress free and feel good. They all want us to be out of the circle of self pity and depressed thoughts. They all want us to feel better in spite of our bitter realities. They encourage us to imagine what we want and to be thankful for what we desire. They are not mad, in saying so. There must be some reality in these statements. I am so far not very much convinced.

Yesterday, my son asked me for a new toy. He was not behaving so I replied, ‘no’. I said, ‘ you do not deserve it right now’. Then my son tried to control his emotions and again asked for that toy. I was not happy with buying that toy for a son who is annoying me with his rude and selfish behavior. The next day, my son forgot his desire. He remained with me all day while saying, ‘mom, you are looking beautiful in this dress’. I was very happy. Then he said, ‘ mom, I like this toy very much that you have chosen for me. I do not need any more’. I was extremely happy for his nice attitude and gestures. Then he passed by his favorite toy and said,’ mom, I want it, but if you do not like to buy it for me, it is OK’. I stopped there and bought that toy for him at once. I bought two toys for him of his choice at that time – almost forcibly. I bought the toys not because he was asking them rather because I was planning to give these toys to him as a reward for his good and nice behavior.

This is the trick of the Law Of Attraction. We need to be patient, calm, and pleasant on the realities of our life till the time of abundance comes to us. Till the universe makes us happy forever. Till we become what we want to become. Till we get our desires in the way we like. Till we feel, how we like to feel in our lives. Till we achieve what we have been longing for. We need to be thankful for the Universe in advance for all those things we are asking. We need to make sure that the universe is going to respond us very soon – sooner than a mother's heart.
Being a Muslim, I can quote some of the prayers that convey the same meanings :

A. God will give you a life of happiness, but you need to be a thankful human being.
B. God will increase His blessings upon the people who are thankful.
C. If you will adopt the right path, He will increase his blessings and give you what you desire, otherwise neither you will get what you want nor you will get any other blessing.
D. God will increase your wealth if you become fearful of God.

Andy many others convey the similar meanings stressing upon the importance of gratitude and feeling good. We cannot ignore such teachings if we want to achieve the real happiness in life.

As the bible says:
A. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
B. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
C. Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers

There are many others to quote in this regard. All of such statements focus on us – being grateful to the God. They say we need to be grateful to God or we will not be blessed. It means we will not be happy in both ways- with holding wealth or without having wealth.

So, the time has come when we need to understand what we need : happiness, wealth, peace or suffering. We will be gifted all according to our own individual traits. Now, it depends on us how we react to our circumstances. In positive scenario, we will be blessed and in negative lights we will be in trouble. All of our realities are reflections of our thoughts, so be careful in deciding about something, in reflecting on something, and in evaluating your life critically as all of these thoughts are ultimately going to fill your future full of miseries or full of fortunes.

Author's Bio: 

Mona Aeysha, PhD, is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, have been working as a Teacher, Counselor and Researcher in several institutes of China, Pakistan and Cambodia. Her major areas of interest are: self –esteem, self-concept, conceptual psychology, belief psychology, self psychology, preferential psychology, cultural psychology and women psychology.
You are always welcome to contact her via email if you have any query in this regard.
Dr Mona