Think back to a time in your life when you had to learn a new skill.

Were you able to perform that skill to complete perfection the very first time you tried it?

My guess is no.

Chances are you made a mistake. Maybe even a lot of mistakes.

But, if you stuck with it, you gradually improved and now, you are probably quite proficient at that skill (or at least a lot better than you used to be!)

You are reading this because you want to be a better presenter or public speaker.

I will tell right now that it is not a one step process.

It will not happen overnight.

Just as a baby doesn’t go from crawling to walking in one day, you will not get from where you are to where you want to be in one giant step.

Well then, what does it take?

It takes baby steps. And an amazing principle that I learned from my mentor.

What is this powerful concept?


1 percent? What does that mean?

It means that you should try to improve yourself, your speaking skills, and your presentations and presenting skills by 1% each day.

1% is a tiny improvement, easy to do.

BUT it can have a HUGE impact!

Say you think you are currently at a 6 out of 10 on your speaking skills. Improving 1% a day for a month will get you to a 9!

Think where you could get if you continued to improve from that 9!

It’s such a simple process that many people find it hard to believe it is as powerful as it is.

As Stephen Covey says, “Begin with the end in mind.”

The end you should envision is a successful you and you WILL get there if you take those little, tiny baby steps!

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional educator and presentation coach. My mission is to help people succeed by helping them improve their presentations and public speaking skills.

I hold a Master’s in Educational Leadership and have been using and helping people use presentation software for about 10 years. My motto: Successful Presentations - Successful Life!

Success depends on so much more than a good looking slide or presentation. How you present yourself is just as important!