“Expert? I’m no expert. Yes I’ve had training and have been doing this for a while, but I’m not an expert.”

Stop right there!

Many coaches have complete confidence in their coaching abilities, yet they still are unable to see themselves as experts. They say “there are others who have been doing this longer and are probably better than I am.” And they are baffled with the fact that they talk to a lot of people, giving lots of one-on-ones and still struggle to get people to sign up.

Carrying doubt and not claiming your expertise shows up in how you present yourself to your clients. If you’re not bought in, they won’t buy in either.

According the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of an expert is: having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience.

You ARE an expert. Right now, as you read this article, you are already an expert.

Your training, reading, doing, as well as your own experience, makes you an expert. You know what your clients are facing and have a way for them to overcome those challenges that they perhaps never will without your help.

By claiming yourself as an expert, you are setting yourself apart. You will display more confidence in yourself and your process. As you believe it, so will others. They will start seeing you as THE expert to come to when facing the particular challenges you offer solutions for.

As this happens, you will naturally create a higher visibility and attract those high paying clients looking for a solution they believe in.

You’re bought in. They’re bought in.

Be the expert you already are. Live it! Communicate it! Be it!

Author's Bio: 

Kathy Jo Slusher-Haas works with certified coaches struggling with their marketing & growing their business. She specializes in the Funnel Marketing Process, Value-Added Marketing, and the Heart-Marketing Approach. Wanting a tool to help you survive the overwhelm of marketing? Get your free Marketing Survival Kit here: http://www.marketyourcoachingbusiness.com/Free-Stuff-.html