Getting stung by a bee is as terrifying for kids and adults as it sounds. It can happen fast, and it can happen any minute. If you are not allergic to bees or its venom, there is nothing to worry about. It may cause temporary redness, pain, swelling, and itching. The symptoms and infection can be prevented right away. However, about 3 percent of the people stung by honeybee have an allergic reaction to the apitoxin. These people might experience serious and life-threatening symptoms, also known as anaphylaxis.

To help prevent a panic situation is very important for you to know what to do and what not to do!
Treating Or Managing The Bee Sting Right Away
There are some preliminary steps that every individual must follow right after a bee sting to treat the itching, swelling, and pain.

1. The first and foremost thing to do is to get away from the bee and remain as calm as possible. Going away from the outdoor/indoor location will prevent you from other bees nearby and make your symptoms easy to treat.

2. Try to remove the bee’s stinger as quickly as possible. Taking the stinger out immediately can prevent the venom from getting indie the wound and augmenting the allergic reaction. You can pull out the stinger by scraping it out with a sharp-edged object like tweezers or your fingernails.

3. Once the stinger is out, clean the affected area with mild soap and water. Wash it around 2-3 times a day until it is completely healed to prevent any infection.

4. Applying an ice pack to the sting site is also helpful in reducing the pain and swelling. Remember to keep a towel in between the sting site and the icepack to prevent ice burn. Alternatively, you can use a lotion or topical creams like hydrocortisone or calamine lotion to relieve itching, redness, and swelling.

5. For instant bee sting relief, take an oral anti0hitamine or anti-allergic medicine. You can take Benadryl to get substantial relief from swelling and itching that doesn’t go away on its own. Tylenol and Advil are some other options to go for to ease the pain.

Home Remedies Worth Trying

While there are multiple home remedies that are reported to be effective against bee sting, they are still not better than the initial steps defined above. Bee sting venom is typically acidic by nature, so to help with swelling and pain, you can use some home remedies and neutralize the effects of the venom.

1. Salt and baking soda can be used to treat symptoms of the bee sting. Create a thick paste out of salt or baking soda and apply it over the wound to reduce swelling and ease the pain.

2. If the bee sting doesn’t induce an extreme allergic reaction on your skin, use handy kitchen ingredients like raw onion or potato to treat the initial pain of the sting. Both of these vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties, so quite beneficial against bee and wasp stings.

3. Meat tenderizer or papaya gives instant pain relief. Apart from containing papain, they also have other effective enzymes to prevent inflammation and facilitate healing of the wounds.

4. If you are outdoor and unable to find any of the kitchen ingredients, grab some mud and water, make a thick paste and apply it to the sting site to get relief from pain and discomfort. Add more than enough water in the mud while making the paste to ensure it can be spread evenly over the site. Leave the mixture on for some time and rinse it off once you are home.

5. Essential oils like lavender oil is a fantastic neutralizer to the bee venom. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which not only helps relieve the swelling but pain and itching. Dab a drop or two of the oil over the site to get instant relief or mix it with another oil like coconut oil for better, effective results.

6. Aloe Vera does not only have amazing skin benefits; it can also serve as a cooling, soothing gel in relieving pain caused by a bee sting. Simply break off a leaf and squeeze the gel over the sting site to get immediate results.

7. Honey and plantain leaf can also cancel out the pain due to apitoxin. You can dab honey over the wound and cover it with a bandage for 30 minutes. If you are allergic to honey, use plantain leaf to relieve pain symptoms. Place some leaves among your fingers, release its juice and apply over the affected area.

Tips To Prevent Bee Stings

Stinging is a defensive action for bees; they don't sting a person unless they feel threatened or in danger.
To avoid bee stings, avoid areas where you can see them making beelines through the air, there are a hive or nest nearby, and areas where you can see honeycombs made of small hexagons. If a bee lands on you, do not make sudden movements, don’t swat them or run around, as quick movements can make them feel threatened. If you are going outdoors, where there is a chance of encountering honeybees, do not wear fruity or floral fragrances and avoid getting their attention. Wear muted tones instead of wearing floral and bright prints, and wear closed-toes shoes to keep your feet protected at all times.
People with a history of allergic reactions must carry an epinephrine auto-injector at all times in case of emergency situations.

Final Thoughts

Almost everyone becomes a victim of bee sting at least once in their lifetime. Some are fortunate enough to experience mild/moderate symptoms, while for others, the situation can be life-threatening. We have covered natural home remedies and preliminary steps to help you get through the process of relieving pain, swelling, itching, and infections.

However, if your symptoms are uncontrollable, and none of the stated remedies/medicines work out, the best possible solution to get instant relief is to contact an emergency facility or a hospital. An extreme allergic reaction can be fatal; thus, taking necessary steps at the right time is extremely important when it comes to treating a bee sting.

Author's Bio: 

Imon is a full time blogger & freelance writer.