The quick and easy answer is NO! But please read on, you might find some good tips on how to be asymptomatic.

Some Science

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. The Herpes Simplex Virus type-1, generally associated with labial herpes is widely spread. Approximately 70% of the population carries the virus!

The HSV-1 virus hides in the trigeminal nerve (nerve system) out of reach of your immune system. Everybody who is infected carries the anti-bodies to fight the virus, but they can only attack when the virus gets out of its hideout.
When the virus successfully replicates in the cells at the end of a nerve (you can generally feel a tingling during this phase), a cold sore outbreak occurs. Your immune system fights the virus for a couple of days and wins the battle, but not the war. The rest of the viruses stay or return to their favorite hideout, your trigeminal ganglion and go dormant for a while, until the next outbreak.

But why I’m the only one with returning cold sores?

You’re not alone! 30% of the infected population suffers from recurrent outbreaks.
It has been stated by a team of researchers from the University of Utah and the University of Massachusetts that people with recurrent cold sores may have a subtle genetic deficiency. They discovered that a gene called C21orf91 (part of the Chromosome 21) was associated with susceptibility to oral herpes. They identified five major variations of C21orf91, two of which seemed to protect against HSV-1 reactivation and two of which seemed to increase the likelihood of having frequent cold sore outbreaks. People affected by this mild deficiency still carry the anti-bodies to fight the virus but their cells are more vulnerable to the HSV virus.
The good news is that with some efforts, you can be asymptomatic (no outbreaks). Suppression of the symptoms is the closest you’ll ever be to a ‘cure’.
Those efforts can consist of:

• Trying lysine therapy along with other dietary supplements (like zinc, vitamin c etc…).
• Maintaining a balanced diet to keep your immune system in good shape
• Antiviral medication like Acyclovir or Valacyclovir (Be aware of the side-effects)
• Manage your stress! Too much stress can a negative impact on your immune system

Beware of miracle ‘cures’

Many products out there preach miracle herpes cures without any medical proof. Please be careful and inform yourself before buying!

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is part of the Immunea Naturals LLC team and has been suffering from labial herpes for more than 25 years. For more details on how to prevent cold sores or cold sore treatment than please visit our website.