I think my feelings about food are similar to most people; I love food and love to eat. My heart goes out to those who suffer from disorders that cause them to be very selective when it comes to their diet. Specifically, I am talking about those with celiac disease. Celiac disease can easily be called an unsettling disturbance in the digestive system brought on by the body’s inability to digest a common element found in many foods, gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats. That pretty much sums up everything that is delicious to most people. Gluten needs to be avoided by those with celiac disease because it can destroy the lining of the small intestines, preventing the full absorption of nutrients. Celiac Disease and diet can be very challenging.

What are the symptoms for celiac disease? There are no specific symptoms for celiac disease per se, however, most people who have the disease complain of abdominal pain, upset stomach, periodic diarrhea, and bloating. Sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms aren’t even presented. Celiac disease symptoms can also copy other disorders such as Crohn’s disease, gastric ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome.

What celiac disease treatment is recommended? Well, there are two things specifically. First, a gluten-free diet is a must. Before preparing your meals it is imperative that you read all food labels because even the slightest trace of gluten can be problematic for you. In the previous paragraph, I alluded to the fact that most delicious foods cannot be eaten by those with celiac disease. I would like to amend that statement because even though those with this disorder have to be very careful with what is eaten, there are some very incredible meals and desserts out there that are just waiting for you.

Case in point, I have a close friend with celiac disease and she made this chocolate cake that consisted of rice flour and the sweetener was red beets. If somebody gave me a piece of this cake and never told me what the ingredients were I would have never known it was gluten-free or that it had beets of all things as a sweetening agent. So my point is even though I can eat gluten and enjoy those foods there is a whole other world of great foods out there just waiting to be tried and experimented with that are gluten-free. Life does not stop if you can’t eat gluten. As a matter of fact there are those that can eat gluten that choose not to eat it because they say it makes them feel better. Even if some of us are challenged by weight, gluten-free is an excellent avenue to go down to lose weight.

Secondly, it has been noted that those with celiac disease have a major reduction in antioxidants. A study back in November of 2007 looked at 39 children (18 with active, 11 with a silent form of the disease, 10 that were on a gluten-free diet and 30 control subjects.) The findings showed that the level of lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) were much higher in the children with celiac disease than in the control group. Lipid peroxides refer to the oxidative degradation of lipid or fat components of cell membranes by free radicals, causing cell damage.

The conclusion reached was that increased oxidative stress was evident in celiac disease patients because there was a reduction in the level of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant. In order to reduce oxidative stress the level of glutathione needs to be increased. Additionally, having a high level of glutathione in the body is a precursor to the body recycling other antioxidants like vitamin C, for example, and keeping them at an increased level. An effective way of increasing the body’s glutathione level is by taking Immunocal on a daily basis. Immunocal, with double-bonded cysteine, is formulated in such a way that it resists the acids of the stomach, allowing your body to fully absorb it. Cysteine + glutamate + glycine = glutathione manufactured by the body. Other products may claim that their cysteine or glutathione tablets work, but studies have shown that those tablets get burned up by the stomach’s acid. Immunocal is the only product available that can effectively provide a daily allowance of cysteine but also effectively raise the body’s glutathione level.

So if you suffer from celiac disease you can still live an enjoyable life. Take advantage of trying new gluten-free foods and recipes and embrace it. And do what you can to naturally increase your glutathione level. If these two things are followed it can help turn a negative situation, celiac disease, into a positive one.

Author's Bio: 

Michael has been working in the medical field as an EMT for the last 16 years and has been a consultant for the health and wellness firm, Immunotec, since October 2008. His goal is to educate you regarding ways to ensure that your health reaches an optimum level and it stays that way. If you would like to comment on this article and others like it please visit My Blog . If you would like to learn more about or purchase some products mentioned in the article please visit the Product Page.