One of my favorite movies, How to Make and American Quilt, is a wonderful allegory about how our choices create our life. The narrator tells us at the end of the story that our good choices bring out the natural colors of the quilt, while our poor choices dull the colors. Making choices that enhance our life quality, and are in integrity with our values, can lead to a life like a beautiful tapestry or piece of art that shines with light and purity.

Choice making, however, can be difficult when our life has pressured us into a corner, especially when our fears are amplified and overshadowing our intuition. Choices made from a calm, peaceful place bring us to the right places and people, while choices made from fear or under pressure, lead to disaster.

Rebazar Tarzs, a member of the order of the Varaigi Masters, says that, “The choices we make at the end of one cycle determine the path we will walk for a time in our next cycle.” Whether in business or in our personal lives, choices made from a place of honesty, integrity and love, build, while choices made out of revenge, haste or fear can only lead to failure.

In my work as a life-coach and author, I often meet people who have a hard time knowing what they want. Because we have so often been told: don’t bother, that’s impossible, who are you kidding, we lose our sense of vision, drive and purpose. Dip your toe in the waters of exploring what you love before you attempt to try to know the big reason for your life. Go for walks near the water and listen to your heart. Read books that tune you in to the feeling of unity and calm so that you can explore in a calm way what you want to choose for the rest of your life.

Recently, I was driving along a road, on a snowy winter day. In the sky above my car I saw a bald eagle. The implications of seeing this majestic bird have colored my life. He’s visited me several times since to tell me to lift myself above the cares and worries of my heart. Life is speaking to us in the animals who are messengers, in our dreams and in the voices of strangers who say a word or too that ignites us to action and understanding about why we are here and where we need to go to next.

Listen to the voice within as you choose a life of beauty and empowerment, and know that your path is a story you are creating.

Author's Bio: 

Darlene Montgomery’s work as a life-coach and author centers on directing others to their spiritual purpose. The focus of this work teaches the importance of developing a relationship with the spiritual force within us all. Darlene is a Spiritual Life Coach, who combines work with dreams, intuitive exploration, vision mapping and Educational Kinesiology to assist others in achieving their greatest life,

In November 1999, Darlene published Dream Yourself Awake, a compelling account of her own journey in using dreams, intuition and inner knowing to overcome self-defeating patterns that kept her from experiencing abundance and success. Her book speaks to all who seek to know their own purpose and mission in this life.

Darlene is creator of the series, Conscious Women Conscious Lives: Powerful and Transformational Stories of Healing Body Mind and Soul, which includes Conscious Women Conscious Mothers, Conscious Women Conscious Careers and others.

Contact Darlene for your own private coaching session.

For more information or to book a seminar or speaking engagement, call Darlene Montgomery: 416-696-1684