Just like
there are doctors that specialize in podiatry, there are other doctors that
specialize in cardiology.  A dentist would never need to understand anything
about gynecology, just like the gynecologist would never need to know anything
on performing a root canal.  The same applies to
psychic readers.  There are a few
myths about psychic advisors which
we hope to clear for you. 

psychic advisors have specialties. 
Some will provide channeling while others will use spirit guides.  Then other
psychics can use crystals, Tarot
Cards, scrying ,etc.  to help access more information for you.  There are some
psychics that specialize more with respects to your love life and others will
specialize more with respects to your career. 

This too
pertains to another myth that all psychics can and should communicate with the
dead!  Psychic mediums can communicate with those that have crossed over.  Yet
they may not be able to tell you what is ahead for you at your job or love
life.  At the same time, the psychic that can accurately describe your forecast
for love, career, finances, family etc,.. may not be able to access those that
have crossed over.  This is fine.  There is no requirement for a psychic to
specialize in every tool. 

advisors are not mind readers.  Psychic advisors look into your energy to see
what you are feeling and the current state you are in. Though a psychic may not
be tell you what you ate for dinner the previous night and/or your favorite
movie, a psychic can get vibes on what course provides improvements for your
situation.  Some people that never had a psychic reading may believe that if the
psychic truly has a gift he/she will be able to answer anything including what
they are thinking.  Instead the psychic will pick up on being tested and/or the
person asking the question is a newbie.  Though it’s not too informative or
helpful in a reading, it is energy that is being accurately described. 

psychics cannot possibly specialize in answering all types of questions. 
Granted, we believe that psychics should be able to give a general reading.  By
this we mean a “basic” reading in forecasting upcoming events love, career,
finances, and more.  This is just the basics to any psychic reading that our
network requires. 

Yet the
more specialized areas such as missing people and/or missing objects is not
something every psychic can do.  There are some psychics that do great work with
finding missing people, yet they cannot forecast what will happen in your love
life.  This doesn’t make either of the psychic less then.  The key to getting
the psychic you need is to understand what the psychic specializes in and have
clarity your questions.

Author's Bio: 

Jackie Williams has worked for as a manager overlooking the talent department for a prominent new age communications company. Later as the internet developed, she diversified her recruitment specialty to server global clients for a internet based spiritual network.
She attained her Master of Arts in Anthropology from Northern Arizona University and her BA from Hunter College.