Online shoppers need to have the best features, functionality, and usability. The first thing is to think whether it will be possible to meet the user goals by using only one user interface. It is necessary to identify how the user interface will meet the customer needs. There is need to develop effective content that provides solutions to questions the customers may have. It is also necessary to determine any additional analysis like risk analysis. Having the best design will also ensure that the personas have an easy time while shopping.
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Standard vs. relational database spreadsheet programs
1. What are some of the uses of standard spreadsheet programs such as excel
Spreadsheet programs are useful in storing data. It can store both small and large data. The spreadsheets are also used in planning. Through the spreadsheet tables, it can be easy to estimate the impact of certain decisions a business. The spreadsheet is used in analyzing data. In doing so, it will be easier for an organization to make the right decisions.
2. What are some of the uses of relational database spreadsheet such as access?
Database spreadsheets are used in the integration of data. It becomes simpler to integrate the data into a single database. The database also offers cost efficiency. A database ensures that less time is spent on the tasks.
3. How comfortable do you feel with using excel as a database management tool
Excel and database are easy to use, and thus it makes it a lot easier to manage data. All that I have to do is just enter the data into either database or excel and get the result.
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