By now you have probably been absolutely bombarded with tips and tricks on how to cure acne simply and quickly. But what are the best steps to take first? Which ones are worth the time and effort, and in some cases the money?

Well if you suffer from any form of acne, whether is it a simple blackhead or a whooping big cystic spot, water is the key to clear skin and always the best place to start

Drinking lots of water each and every day is not only fab for your health in general, but it is also great to give you that Hollywood, glowing complexion we are all dream of.

The recommended daily amount of water to drink is 8 glasses, however, if you think this is a little too much for you to handle straight away, it is good idea to only consume what you can comfortable manage and then steadily increase your intake when you feel ready.

If you really want to know how to cure acne once and for all, you should really give water a chance. If you drink enough of it, the water will purify your body and skin, washing away any toxins polluting it. Getting rid of the nasty bacteria that helps acne to thrive.

Now we all know that water is not the most exciting thing to drink in the world as it is pretty tasteless. To to make this laborious task a little more exciting, i recommend you introduce a little lemon.

There is more than one reason that i suggest you spice up that glass of water with lemon, and the the first being, that lemons are excellent for curing acne too. Teamed up with a glass of refreshing and purifying water, you will have just made a winning, acne fighting concoction.

Often lemon juice is used as a topical acne treatment, weird i know, but is also will have a positive effect from the inside to. So a dash of freshly squeezed lemon juice or a slice perched on the glass, is highly recommend.

You don't just have to drink water cold either. If the night becomes cold and drinking an ice glass or water would be incredibly unpleasant, then go ahead and boil the kettle. Boiled water, freshly squeezed lemon juice teamed with a few slices and you have a lovely warning and healthy acne busting tea.

You can also use lemon juice as a topical acne treatment. Lemons are an old treatment that has stuck with us through the ages, because it really is that effective. So if you are fighting acne and want to find a cheap and natural cure, then lemon juice may just be the answer you have been looking for.

it is so simple to use as well, which is aways an added bonus. Start off by cleaning your face effectively with a sensitive acne face wash to completely get rid of any dirt and grim that has gathered up throughout the day. Dab you face dry with clean towel and now you are ready to apply the lemon.

Simply squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a glass. You only need enough to cover the effected areas. Just dip in a clean piece of cotton wool and gently dab the solution over your face. The tick is to leave the lemon juice on your skin for as long as possible. I recommend you put it on before bed, that way it can stay on for hours while you sleep.

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Thank you for reading my article on 'Cure Acne With Water and Lemons.' If you are keen to learn exactly how to cure acne then just click on the link to find out what is working for other people.