I heard a workshop speaker tell a story about what he says to his new patients who come for therapy. He tells them: “It’s going to be painful and hard.” Well, if that isn’t a depressing prescription at the beginning of a journey that is designed to help someone grow, get to know themselves better and heal—I don’t know what is. I wanted to smack him. I wanted to say, “Hey…I’m older, wiser, more experienced, in the field than you, so how about let’s trade places for 10 minutes. Although I’m a therapist, we need some coaching “juice” and optimism here.”
I think it’s really good to let folks feel whatever they’re going to feel about the journey they’ve embarked upon…prescribing nothing.
As a Self Development Coach, I want you to have a great time becoming an exceptionally joyful person who’s chosen to develop him/her Self, adding on to the successes you’ve already achieved for yourself. I hope you’ll not notice if it’s play or work: they are the same thing when you LOVE what you’re doing. And what’s not to love about getting better, happier, more fulfilled, more joyful, deeper, more fun, etc.? Nothing! As a coach who loves to watch souls blossom, I want to speak the language of possibility and accomplishment, acknowledging every step my clients take!
Personally speaking, I feel joyful, thrilled, deeply glad that I have invested at least a million years in becoming whole and happy. Nothing is more important than finding, developing and living from my true self. It’s been an amazing “ride.”
Wouldn’t you like some of that for you? Of course you would! Where to start? Well, what area of your life beckons you to pay attention or transform something? Begin there. Ask yourself: how can I go about this in a way that will (1) begin to produce some change, and (2) create some joy? Then get busy! Take a step or two that will help your heart and soul (or your joy capacity) grow.
Self development can be hugely fun if you go about it with a positive, joyful attitude. It needn’t be horrible and filled with drudgery. Taking steps to grow and change can bring enormous relief and a sense of inner gladness as you move one foot after the other along this kind of path. Accomplish tangible results as you move forward toward your excellent goal. Begin with this kind of positive mindset, and who knows what will happen?!

Author's Bio: 

Nicki McClusky, LCSW, CPC is an author, psychotherapist, voice and self development coach---coaching women and men to change their voices from the inside-out. Her dynamic, free E-book, Unplug the Judge, and her Blog, filled with compelling posts, can be found at http://www.nickimcclusky.com and http://www.findyourvoicecoach.com