Even though, sixty million years ago, the land reptiles were on the decline, the dinosaurs continued as monarchs of the land, the lead now being taken by the more agile, and active types of smaller leaping kangaroo varieties of the carnivorous dinosaurs. Previously, there had appeared new types of the herbivorous dinosaurs, whose rapid increase was due to the appearance of the grass family of land plants. One of these new grass-eating dinosaurs was a true quadruped having two horns and a capelike shoulder flange. The land type of turtle, twenty feet across, appeared as did also the modern crocodile and true snakes of the modern type. Great changes were also occurring among the fishes and other forms of marine life.

The wading and swimming prebirds of earlier ages had not been a success in the air, nor had the flying dinosaurs. They were a short-lived species, soon becoming extinct. They, too, were subject to the dinosaur boom, destruction, because of having too little brain substance in comparison with body size. This second attempt to produce animals that could navigate the atmosphere failed.

However, the first of the true birds suddenly appeared fifty-five million years ago. It was a small, pigeonlike creature, the ancestor of all bird life. This was the third type of flying creature to appear on earth, and it sprang directly from the reptilian group, not from the contemporary flying dinosaurs nor from the earlier types of toothed land animals.

(In Memory of Dad)
Quote: Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them, the rest of us could not succeed. Mark Twain

Check out Ms. Oberne’s work, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1550769993

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Beecroft Brown has had unusual encounters with the paranormal, which she knows was prompted by having three near-death experiences. She is a Christian and avid reader of the Book of Urantia. Check out her author site at