For all the years that I have been teaching people how to find their ‘real’ voice, what never ceases to amaze me are the numerous benefits that can result which have nothing to do with the speaking voice. The reason is simple; however, unless you are pointed in the right direction for finding the correct approach, those benefits will not be realized.

There are many who teach voice improvement who will work with the voice you presently have. Then there are a few of us who will actually show you the voice you don’t know you have. In the process, you will be taught to breathe correctly. What this means is that you will have to break your old habit of shallow or lazy breathing and instill a new one: diaphragmatic breathing.

It is in the breathing that you will discover all the marvelous benefits that good voice training offers because your body will begin eliminating the toxins in your blood. This, unfortunately, is not possible by means of shallow breathing. In fact, shallow breathing, also known as upper chest breathing, actually increases those toxins.

Breathing with support is the norm for all mammals except the most intelligent of the mammals – mankind. While your first breath in life was deep and supported, as you developed, you reverted to upper chest breathing. I breathe correctly 24/7 and it has been a true blessing in my life. [It even allowed me to fall asleep during a double stereotactic breast biopsy. And, ladies, that is like a 40-minute mammogram without anesthesia – not once, but twice!]

Once you learn to breathe correctly, however, you will discover that:

1. you will sleep better;
2. you will be able to eliminate minor pain without drugs;
3. your blood pressure will lower;
4. you will have more physical endurance;
5. your stress will be reduced;
6. you will feel better; and,
7. you will live longer.

In addition, you will find the best means of controlling your nervousness no matter what the reason for those nervous jitters. Maybe you are uncomfortable meeting new people. Or perhaps you regard public speaking with abject fear and trepidation. Possibly you are nervous voicing your own opinion among colleagues.

Stop your shallow or lazy breathing and start using your diaphragm. You will be amazed at the changes in your life, both professionally and personally. And, in the process, you will discover a voice that is richer, deeper, and sounds more mature.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic and discover the best means of adding some life to your voice and your delivery.

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