When we are living our life to the fullest, it opens up like a flower – gradually, beautifully and unrestricted by external constraints.

Is your life energy flowing and blossoming?

Often times I see people putting external constraints onto their life such as:
-When my kid graduates from school, I will exercise daily
-If I don’t get the job, I will start my own business
-If my friend does not call, I will not go to the movie
-When I move, I will start making new friends
-When I am retired, I will start traveling
-When I am old, I will take time to enjoy my garden

We frequently let external circumstances influence our life. They often determine what we will do instead of pursuing what we truly want. However, taking charge of our life is totally within our control. It’s a choice.

Listening to your inner voice and following it might be scary as it takes you out of the comfort zone and opens up your life to new opportunities.

There are roadblocks we encounter to living a beautiful life right now:

Two common roadblocks include:

1. The inability to make a decision
Many people struggle with decision making and believe that having many choices is good. “In fact, the opposite is true. The more choices we’re given, the less able we are to make a decision – and if we do choose, the less satisfied we are with what we’ve chosen.” (Linda Blair)

We are so used to accepting our outer circumstances as the deciding factor rather than our own desires.

What you can to Right Now:

Ask yourself, what do I truly want? To become clearer, see yourself in your ideal life and work and “try it on.” It’s like how actors immerse themselves into a role. Start step by step. Imagine it’s like trying on a new suit, shirt or dress – try on the desired life. Explore the different choices and see how it feels.

For example, try on being a successful executive leader seeing your beautiful office, working with your team or being the successful global consultant traveling all over the world first class. Which feels better from these two choices? Listen to yourself, your “gut feeling” and make the decision right then.

2. Unwillingness to make a choice
The second barrier to beginning your life now is a reluctance to change and commit.

Once you know what you want, allow yourself to pursue it, take action and stay on course. I often encounter clients who are very clear about what they want while we are working on getting clear. Soon after the limiting beliefs and the busyness of life takes over and even though the decision felt so good from the heart, the head is taking over with “I cannot do this, I will not make money with this, it is impossible”…and so on.

Once you know what you want, stay on course. Remember the winds of life will always be blowing and chances are you are far stronger and can stay on course, if you choose to! Make a choice and commit to your success right now.

To get what YOU truly want, take the first step and contact me.

You will learn how to listen to your inner voice, identify what you truly want, develop a plan on how to get it and learn a system on how to stay on the path to make your dreams come true.

Author's Bio: 

Ulrike Berzau, Executive Coach & Consultant, works with individuals, teams and organization to achieve exceptional results in life and business. With extensive experience as healthcare executive, she is known for providing highly respected insights and creative solutions to secure continuous advancement and excellence. Ulrike has an unwavering passion for igniting the talent and brilliance in others and her international and multicultural experiences allow her to relate to a diverse audience. Her ambitious, yet well balanced, positive and inspiring mindset is the catalyst of her own success and assures the success of clients, staff and organizations.

Ulrike is the co-author of the International Best-Seller Imagine a Healthy You and an inspirational speaker. She is certified as Thinking into Results Consultant, Passion Test Facilitator, ASAP Engagement Consultant and Achieve Today Coach, and holds a Master’s Degree in Management, a Master’s Degree in Health Science, Physical Therapy, and is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.