If you want to get lean you have to learn to eat clean. That old saying has more clinical evidence behind it than ever before. The problem with learning to eat clean is that it is hard to do on your own. Most personal trainers are now certified in diet and nutrition because they know it is the key to health, wellness and fitness. They can help you navigate all the information out there, create a plan to transform your diet, and help you stick to it.

Which diet is right for you?
New studies show that any diet is going to help you lose weight, but it takes eating a clean and balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight and to allow for healthy muscle growth. This means more than just cutting out sugar, you have to learn how to monitor what your body does with food and how your activities will change your caloric intake. Nutrition is not one size fits all. Working with a trainer on your nutrition is the best way to create a diet that is tailored to your life and needs.

Working with a personal trainer using a holistic approach
One of the common goals of any Staten Island Personal Trainer is to help you create a well life. This is called a holistic approach to training. You may have specific goals as far as fitness, health or weight – but none of the changes will last unless you transform your entire life. They can help you select regimens that complement the needs of your life. You will focus on building up your strengths, and learning how to get past weaknesses. All of this comes together into a new lifestyle that will be easy for you to maintain because you will have the support of your trainer.

The importance of nutrition
Not enough can be said about the importance of nutrition in creating a well life. Look through the Nutritionist Queens listings and you will notice than many of them are also trainers in other areas. Nutrition is what makes fitness work. If you want to sustain and maintain what you are achieving, you have to learn how to eat clean. Transforming your lifestyle habits is the key and having the help pf a personal trainer is the fastest way to make life happen. Talk to your trainer about what your goals are and follow their holistic plan to see the best results.

Author's Bio: 

NeighborhoodTrainers is an online fitness community listing independent fitness professionals throughout New York City.