I've noticed throughout the past couple of years (and it's no secret that) as members of the "westernized" world, we put far more emphasis on fighting things than we do trying to work with them...As opposed to Eastern philosophies that teach flow and working with a situation rather than trying to fight it.

When I say we fight, I mean we fight to stay healthy, we fight our mental illnesses, and saddest of all, we fight each other; because that's what we have been taught. "Fight something that you believe in" is a motto most of us have had pounded into our skulls from the moment we are born.

However, 9 times out of 10, it's that very fighting that makes us feel out of control.

When we focus on fighting demons, or fighting a cold, or for that matter, fighting with someone else; we allow ourselves to become RE-actionary as opposed to people who are action oriented.

With the speed in which our society moves now-a-days, we feel the need to pack as much activity into our days as humanly possible, yet feel stress when we don't complete the 100 things we had written down to do for the day.

I'm just as guilty as anyone of this.

However, I have discovered that when you "ride the wave" so to speak, you feel more in control...more relaxed...which miraculously leads to more production!

Much like an opponent in a boxing or MMA ring; if we get ourselves into a positive mental flow, a much larger opponent (ie stress) can easily be toppled by "riding" the punches and using their weight and momentum against them. However, the rub is, if we lose control of our mental focus, the person who hits the mat hardest will be the one you see in the mirror everyday!

In other words, when you feel the pressure mounting...Know that "this too" shall not only pass, but improve our situation in the long-run.

It's been said many times, millionaires and champions are born during the DOWN times.

Maybe it's because they have learned to channel their flow; and while everyone else is re-acting, they were able to be pro-active and make better decisions.

Just food for thought.

Author's Bio: 

Jason has been involved in health and wellness management for nearly 10 years now in some form or another. He has worked with and studied alongside people from literally all walks of life; ranging from Olympic athletes, performance artists and physicians of various specialties, to stay at home moms and older adults.

He has a very obvious passion for not only teaching, but also helping others create the lives they have only dreamed of!

He also is a Nationally recognized Certified Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach with ISSA (International Sports Science Association) as well as a fitness enthusiast focused on his own health and supporting his friends and family to get in on the act!

He takes the roles of being a fitness professional as well as wellness coach very seriously and constantly looks to help create new and exciting opportunities in every area of healthy living!

He is also the host of the blog radio program "Chasing the Dragon" as well as an author and lead editor of the official bi-weekly wellness newsletter (Strength Builder) of DragonFire Strength!