There are a lot of foods out there that is good for weight loss. And I am going to give you some examples of food that is great for burning fat.

Best foods that you can eat to burn fat, is those that have high protein and fiber. Because it takes more energy to digest protein then it does to digest fat.


Oatmeal has some great nutritional qualities. And it will also help to lower your cholesterol level. Because oatmeal got lots of soluble fiber that will flush out a lot of the bad acids from your system. So it will reduce blood cholesterol.

And when you eat it, you should not sweeten it with sugar or cinnamon or something. Because you will lose a lot of the benefits. You can however add some fruits in it if you want.


Eggs got a very high amount of protein, and it also contains vitamin B12, which is a great supplement for breaking down fat cells.

I think 1-2 cooked eggs and some oatmeal, makes a great breakfast.

Olive Oil

You body needs fat, in order to be able to burn fat. But it needs the right kind of fat. Olive oil is one of those good fats. And olive oil will also help to keep the cholesterol down.


Chili contains something called capsaicin, which increases the metabolism in your body. And metabolism is what’s burning fat in your body and building muscles. Capsaicin is also a thermogenic food. And that means that it keeps burning calories for about 20 minutes after you eat it.

Green Tea

Green tea is also helps to amp up your metabolism. So you should try to drink at least one cup of green tea every day, to increase your metabolism.

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and fiber. And vitamin C will help your body to process fat faster. And it will also stimulate the carnitine amino acid that is speeding up the body’s fat burning capacity. Examples of citrus fruits: limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, papaya.

Stefan Edlund
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