It has been a long hard winter in many areas of the United States and people are more than ready to put away their winter coats and boots. However, after indulging in the heavy meals of the holiday season, many people have a few pounds to shed before digging out their tee-shirts, shorts and swimwear.

Getting in Shape for Summer

If you want to look toned for summer, you have a few months, but you will be healthier if you start your diet and workout routine now. Here are some tips for getting ready to bask in the sun this summer

Keep Training

If you routinely workout when it is warm outside, don’t give it up just because it is now cold out. Find a personal trainer. You should maintain your training habits all year long so you are not playing catch up in the spring and summertime. If you are normally a runner or cyclist during the warmer months of the year, join a gym and move your training routine inside.

Workout with a Trainer

Many people have problems staying motivated to work out during the wintertime. However, if you hire a Staten Island personal trainer, they can help keep you accountable and workout with you in the gym. A trainer can push you during your routine so you won’t be tempted to be lackadaisical with your exercises. If you need to find a trainer, have your gym recommend one to you.

Eat a Proper Diet

A healthy diet is important for staying in shape, no matter the time of year. It can be tempting to eat heavier foods in the winter, but you will want to keep eating fresh fruits and vegetables, along with lean proteins to maintain a healthy weight. Whole foods and foods lower in calories are easier for your body to digest and are key to maintaining or losing weight.

Stay Hydrated

Water consumption tends to go down in the wintertime, which can make you feel hungry when you’re actually thirsty. Avoid carbonated drinks and stick with water or drink herbal tea. Most herbal teas are not caffeinated so you won’t have to put up with sleep disturbances that can come with drinking more caffeine. Some herbal teas, like green tea, promote weight loss as well.

Don’t use the cold, wet weather as an excuse to stop your normal exercise and diet routines. Instead, if you maintain them and you will be ready when summer rolls around.

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