Why is that so important? And why is it so difficult?
Most of us had good role models concerning control. Parents control their children and more of them even ignore them on the other side? You might ask “What is worse?”

You might even control your spouse and your co-workers. Just think about it and find out why you are so much interested what others do. Is this just because you do not know yourself or feel unworthy and never develop self-consciousness? Do you know your purpose and your goals?
Now why is it so important to give up control?

The most important reason is that we have to learn to build a better society as we cannot go on like that. You can see that we live in a critical time of change. As long as you resist changes you fight against yourself. You get sick, jobless and go into burnout and depression.

Most of us live in the 3-dimensional world which is school with different stages. Three quarter of the people live with a victim consciousness. You do not need to stay there as you can always change your thoughts.
Invest in yourself and live a life of love, joy, health and abundance you need to enhance your consciousness. Then you move on to the group of creators as you can create your reality. When you keep on learning you become a genius.

Learn to live from your heart with gratitude and love. We move out of the mind into the heart. It is about unity. We got to think with our heart, open ourselves for the inner voice and the inspirations we get while we wake up in the morning. I feel blessed that I follow my inspirations. No more need to live a life in fear and worries.

It is all about love, joy, smile and no more walls of separation. I am You and You are Me!

Therefore it is high time to find out what your purpose of life is. Work at your Goals and give up Control. If you really want to live a successful and fulfilled life leave the HOW to the Universe. It takes care as it is abundant. Work on your purpose and goals and add your feelings to your goals. That is how you learn to visualize what you really thrive for. Thrive for the truth which you find the moment you start thinking with your heart.

Embrace the Union!!! Get together with like minded people and set up cooperation to create a better world!

You find the practical e-book “ Goals Give Your Life Direction” on Amazon
If you want to get out of fears check for “Success Killer No 1 – Fear and Worries”

Author's Bio: 

Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf and for marketing Chris Cardell.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with 2 other ladies to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business.