Hypnosis and especially self hypnosis appear to be growing in reputation because of their high success rates and the accessibility of information on the internet. However it can be tough to know how to start. Here you can learn self hypnosis in nine easy steps.

Just like the name suggests self hypnosis is a type of hypnosis where the person hypnotizes their self. By now most individuals are aware of the many positive benefits that hypnosis offers and self hypnosis offers all those same benefits but with the added bonus of being able to be in complete control of the situation.

As is the case with hypnosis, self hypnosis can be used to aid someone trying to lose weight weight, quit smoking, relax more or achieve almost any goal a person desires.

Here though we will be looking at using self hypnosis for relaxation. Employing the nine points below you can learn self hypnosis and enjoy it in the comfort of your own home. Prior to starting however I would like to mention that hypnosis isn’t the magical “mind control” instrument some think of it as. While you are hypnotized you will still be able to hear anything going on around you and most people remember everything that goes on during a hypnosis session. Instead expect to feel loose and relaxed.

Let’s now start the self hypnosis session.

1. Find a quiet space where you can either sit on a comfortable chair or lie down on a bed or couch. Don’t cross your arms or legs as this inhibits your circulation. Try to make sure that you won’t be disturbed for around twenty minutes.

2. Shut your eyes and take slow, deep breaths as you count down to ten. Breathe in through your nostrils and breathe out through slightly pursed lips.

3. Allow yourself to sense any stress in your body. Beginning with your toes and slowly travelling up to the crown of your head feel each part of your body becoming less heavy until it feels as light as a feather. Go from your feet up to your ankles, then your calves and shins, knees and so on.

If you feel a warmth of a tingling sensation in the part of your body you are focusing on, this is quite normal.

4. Now your body will feel loose and limp. Take ten more slow, deep breaths as you did previously and think about just how calm and peaceful your body feels.

5. Start to imagine yourself (either first or third person is fine, whatever comes naturally) lying on a big, fluffy cloud. There is nothing else to distract you. Enjoy how content and relaxed you are on this fluffy cloud as it starts to travel gradually downwards. Following a minute or so of descending down the cloud gently halts and the emptiness around you starts to transform into your perfect relaxation location. It might be on a tropical island, the very peak of a mountain or wherever else you wish.

6. Allow yourself off the cloud and stroll into this wondrously relaxing place you have formed. Feel everything there is to sense about that place. Feel the earth underneath your feet, the breeze in the air and the temperature of the location.

7. As you are taking pleasure from this soothing place declare to yourself just how relaxed you feel. Reiterate positive affirmations such as “I am relaxed and I feel great”. You might also insert other affirmations afterwards to help achieve other goals you have. For example if you want to lose weight you could repeat the phrase “I enjoy eating healthy foods”.

8. Once you are ready to end the self hypnosis return to your cloud and allow it to take you up and away.

9. Count backwards from ten to one. While you do so begin to stretch out your muscles gently until you get to one where you can slowly open your eyes.

You have now experienced self hypnosis. As with most talents, with self hypnosis, practice makes perfect so try performing this exercise a few times. When you’ve perfected it you could either search for other self hypnosis scripts on the web or consider buying a course online. If you do opt to purchase a self hypnosis programme please look into the individuals behind the course carefully. Make sure they are a qualified hypnotherapist and are experience recording such sessions.

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You can learn more about how to perform self hypnosis at the Hypnosis Guide. Thank you for reading.