What makes a woman or a man truly beautiful?

I remember my mother telling me that looks may fade but the very essence of a person is what will flourish and will bring to us true beauty that will not only be seen from the inside but will glow from the outside.

Here is a wonderful poem Audrey Hepburn wrote when asked to share her "beauty tips"? It was read at her funeral years later.
◾For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

Affirming: Affirming bringing into our consciousness what we want to believe that is going to be both positive and constructive for our daily living: I have used affirmations to help me with every aspect of my life. I find that they help with bringing my mind into a place where I want it to be and how I want it to think. Enjoy this affirmation: Deep at the centre of my being there is an infinite – well of love
◾To truly love others we need to first love ourselves, read this poem regularly as a daily affirmation, to help care for yourself and those around you.
◾I now allow this love to flow to the surface-
◾It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied.
◾The more love – I use and give, the more I have to give – the supply is endless.
◾Expressing feelings of love, makes me feel good; it is an expression of my inner joy.
◾As an integral part of loving myself, each day I taking care of my body with exercise, I choose nourishing foods and beverages that are safe
◾I lovingly groom myself, dressing so that I feel and look good, allowing me to feel comfortable no matter where I am or what I am doing. My body lovingly responds to my feelings of these positive feelings with vibrant health and energy.
◾In loving myself I have the motivation and belief to provide myself with a comfortable home.
◾I love my home to bright, clean and organized allowing the vibration of love so that all who enter, me included, will feel this love being nourished by the positive energy provided.
◾By loving myself I work at a job that I truly enjoy, one that I am able to use my talents, skills and creativity: Working with and for people – whom love and respect me and whom I love working with– Earning a good income.
◾By loving myself this gives me the foundation to behave and think in a lovingly toward other people.
◾When I love myself, forgiving and releasing the past of all its experiences and therefore this allows me to have positive thoughts for my present and future to come. By bringing into my world loving thoughts about myself, I will attract loving people in my world for they are a mirror the mirror of who I am.
◾I love being totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright, joyous, secure, full of love and happiness.
◾I am a very much- loved child of the universe, as bright and beautiful as the stars above.

Author's Bio: 

Julie Doherty is a Fully Accredited Naturopathic & Massage Practitioner with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society Ltd.
Having completed Professional Qualifications in Naturopathic Medicine: Herbal Medicine: Homoeopathic, Nutritional Medicine: Holistic Massage Therapy: Body Work: & Natural Beauty Therapy. This has enabled Julie to follow her dream of supporting people to  overcome their health issues & heal their body with the use of a combination of Naturopathic, Herbal, Homoeopathic & Nutritional  Medicines & Therapies to become well without causing further harm or complications
Julie is involved in supporting other health care professionals with treatment protocols for people who are on prescription medication,chemo therapy and other related health care procedures 
Julie’s vision and passion has been & still is to assist each person to become well with the least invasive & most effective treatments. Whilst working with like minded people.
Over the past 25 years, Julie Doherty has successfully treated & assisted people with various areas of ill health and disease from the common cold, skin ailments through to cancer.
Julie’s approach is to enable each person to have the best “Quality of life possible” whilst making your treatments effective, affordable and manageable incorporating these strategies into each person's everyday living. Respecting each person's culture and individual characteristics.
Julie is a sought-after public speaker, lecturer & author providing community talks, facilitated & implementing professional related courses.
Julie is a published blogger and recognized for her expert knowledge as an author with Self Growth supporting & providing assistance with healthy life protocols.
Julie has been recognized by the Stanford Who's Who and the Continental Who's Who for her dedication and recognition of excellence as a Health Care Practitioner, Executive, Entrepreneur and Professional standards of ethics.
What makes the work of Julie Doherty stand out? The successful testimonials of her clients becoming well both-young and old, from a wide range of disease and signs of ill health: It has been commented about her humanness, her humour, her willingness to reveal so much of herself, her belief and commitment to her industry and clients, and the easy-to-understand style of her communicating and her simplistic way of explaining treatments and programs to become well. Her understanding of the interconnectedness when their is a problem with health and it is out of balance that it is never just one thing, so addressing all related causes of the health problem/problems that she addresses with you.
To compliment our healthy treatment programs Julie has formulated a Skin, Hair & Body Care Range that is good for you “Just For You”, not only will it have your skin looking great, healthy & vibrant. Your skin needs to be fed good healthy nutrients the same as your body.