My younger brother, Warren, and I were very close. Even though, we were living in different states, we kept in touch by having our Sunday morning talks over the cell phone. Every few years, I’d return to Florida to visit Warren but it was less often than it should have been, and that’s because our parents were deceased.

A couple of weeks before Warren’s passing, he developed pneumonia and was permitted to the hospital. About two days later, they admitted into ICU. I called him everyday to check up on him and the last conversation we had while he was in ICU was about Mom and Dad coming for a visit. He didn’t see them, but he heard their voices telling him he must leave the hospital and go home.

Well, as shocking as this may sound, the doctor-on-call released him not just from ICU, but from his stay at the hospital! Now, as I pondered over this, I believe it was a messenger sent from the Supreme Father releasing Warren, and probably by a special request from our parents.

Dad had died a horrible death while under medical care at the James Haley Nursing Home in Tampa, Florida. He had spent most of his time attached to various tubes. Mother witnessing Dad’s deterioration decided she’d prefer a natural death, rather then he hooked up to machines to extend her life. Yet, it was Dad’s desire to live as long as he could, because he knew how much Mother depended on his military pension. Once he was gone, she’d receive some money, but not as much. It was obvious Mother would never want to see her youngest son attached to machines.

After he left the hospital and returned to his home, he was on Cloud 9. He was so elated to be alive…writing songs and teaming up with a former band member to perform as a duet…quickly come to a sudden end. Warren had passed away in his sleep.

Check out Ms. Oberne’s Work-in-Progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Beecroft Brown has had unusual encounters with the paranormal, which she knows was prompted by having three near-death experiences. She is a Christian and avid reader of the Book of Urantia. Check out her author site at