In the past couple of years, IoT has completely transformed the world with its ability to touch almost every aspect of the life, so it has also boosted the mobile app development company to move towards the developing IoT solutions as they give opportunities to gain competitive advantages by collecting the data from multiple points, so some human-controlled and other automated. However, IoT also poses challenges concerning security and privacy of data, since it is assembled over the cloud from devices, so thereby increasing its vulnerability to hacking. However, a significant portion of the IoT market is unregulated, and this gives the opportunity for hackers to go about their fraudulent ways. While the use of smart cars or a smart home seems enticing, but the lack of security is a real concern. So, the experts believe that two-factor authorization and biometrics may solve this security problem to some extent, but introducing Blockchain to IoT could be the ultimate solution.

Unauthorized access to devices

Since numerous Internet of thing (IoT) enabled devices to use a network, so this can give a chance to hackers for easily penetrating the entire network by using a single device that hasn’t updated in its security system. Nevertheless, the risk can also arise from something as simple as allowing an employee to log in to the network using a personal device with weak authentication or through encrypted data transfers. So, considering the number of smart devices used at the workplace from mobile phones to TVs, scanner, and printers, so the risk potentially multiplies as any of these devices can also is hacked.

Blockchain technology and its advantages

Blockchain is a distributed ledger, which helps in maintaining a growing number of data records and transactions. However, transactions are mainly related by network participants, which are recorded in blocks. So, this helps in ensuring that they are arranged in the right sequence and assigns a recorded timestamp. Since Blockchain technology is decentralized, so there is no central authority or specific administrator which is required, therefore such structure is not responsible for approving transactions or establishing guidelines for their use, but with the removal of intermediaries, the long and inconvenient banking processes can also be avoided, by providing a reduction in both costs as well as in time.

Additionally, Blockchain technology is based on cryptography algorithms, which is mainly designed for ensuring the prevention of data distortion as well as for providing higher security. So, every block on a network has a mixture to the previous block, which means that an intermediate block on the database cannot be substituted. Today, Blockchain investment by various sectors of the economy is growing, right from the governments of the world, universities, and corporations. Besides, it is also giving reasons to the numerous industries for investing in technology.

The IoT security challenges

Internet of things is all about getting or transmitting large amounts of data by using systems as well as linkage on real-time. Since the business needs privacy and security, so the task here is to ensure the protection of all the data and communication because the data which flows across various kinds of integrated solutions, including analytics capabilities, platforms, machine, and devices, then the data also needs to pass through multiple administrative boundaries, with having its own set of policies. However, in this case, it also becomes complicated to ensure the safe functioning of an IoT system as well as the proper management of data. So, apart from protecting data, it is also essential to provide reliable data delivery to the right place, from time to time because it doesn’t matter that your mobile app development company participates in the IoT ecosystem, but some issues will surely arise. Thus, you need to deal with some of these IoT security challenges.

IoT with a decentralized Blockchain approach

One of the most essential emerging trends is the combination of Blockchain technology and the Internet of things because the decentralization of an Internet of things will help you to provide the ability to solve a lot of security challenges, where the capabilities of technology, including trustworthiness, scalability, decentralization, and autonomy, which can help you to make potentially essential component of the overall IoT ecosystem. So, in the context of the internet of things, Blockchain technology can also be applied to ensure the successful processing of multiple transactions, tracking and the coordination of millions of smart devices and so on. Besides, the technology investment by the IoT industry can also help for ensuring the proper management of data at various levels. Also, the technology mainly relies upon cryptography, so its integration into IoT network can help in providing additional privacy as well as security. However, Blockchain technology also gets transactions recorded orderly and carefully, which means that the history of connected devices can be recorded seamlessly. Hence, Blockchain technology also works with the necessity of central authority to see the integration possibilities as well as the truly endless benefits.

So, for wrapping up,’ the execution of Blockchain is a decentralized approach to the Internet of things network, so this can help in numerous ways. However, it is also helping for proper security by ensuring the privacy and the protection data at all the levels. Besides, it is also helping for resolving scalability issues for providing effective functioning of the system as well.

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Author's Bio: 

Vivek Ghai has over 18 years of experience in software services industry. He is the founder of a software company specializing in web and mobile application development. He has hands-on experience in operations, digital marketing and business development in the technology industry. He advises start-ups and also is a technical co-founder for few of them.