Orthodontics Can Help

The importance of an attractive smile is criminally underrated! Studies show that confidence has a significant impact on your productivity both at work and when pursuing your interests. You cannot gain confidence if you are not happy about an imperfection that keeps showing up each time you open your mouth.

Some people are forced to cover their mouth when smiling or talking to friends and colleagues while others opt to avoid social interactions altogether in fear of being made fun of. Nobody deserves to live with that. Cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics have advanced tremendously over the last few decades and you can be sure your issue, whatever it is, has a treatment dedicated to it. Discussed below are four ways through which orthodontics can improve your smile and boost your self-esteem:

By correcting crooked teeth

For most people, crooked teeth is a congenital issue that only begins to take its toll on their self-esteem when they are already adults. Experienced orthodontists such as Dr. Bach can correct virtually any case of crooked teeth, regardless of the age of the patient.

While there are several treatments that can be used to treat crooked teeth, braces and Invisalign remain the most common. Your orthodontist will examine your issue and recommend a treatment that they reckon best suits your problem.

By fixing bad bites

Bad bites affect not only your smile but also your facial structure, especially if the problem lies in your jaw. Overbites occur when the front upper teeth overlap the lower teeth, leading to chewing and biting complications. Under-bites are the reverse of overbites, and make for a more unnatural dental issue.

Orthodontics presents you with a range of treatments for bad bites, including braces, Invisalign and other oral appliances designed to reposition your teeth and jaws.

Even though flawed bites do not always cause medical concerns, you may still want to have them checked as they can heavily impact your smile.

By sealing gaps and excessive spacing

Gaps between teeth can occur as a result of your jawline being too big for teeth to cover it completely. It is the opposite of crooked teeth, where teeth have to fit in an insufficient space on the jawline.

Gaps can also be as a result of some teeth failing to erupt altogether. Orthodontists have been able to fix this problem by using crowns and bonding material to alter the shape and size of teeth to cover adjacent gaps. However, braces can also be used, especially for tiny gaps.

Doing away with abnormal eruptions

Abnormal eruptions occur when teeth emerge in the wrong places on the gum. If, for instance, your child’s baby teeth fail to fall out in time, a permanent tooth may fully erupt over it. This can be pretty unsightly and problematic both in chewing and cleaning and may necessitate extraction. In some cases, there is simply no space in the jaw to accommodate an extra tooth but the tooth forces its way out anyway.

An orthodontist can remove an abnormally erupted tooth using a minor surgery before repositioning the underlying impacted tooth using a veneer, a crown, or braces.

Author's Bio: 

kathy works being a content writer for self growth and subsidies to varied loan and automotive blogs.