According to the study websites who rank on the top of the first page receives 95% of the web traffic than those who rank on the second or third page. There are thousands of online marketers who work day and night to come up with the strategies that can land their websites on the very first of the search result without facing the penalty from the google. They do not hesitate to hire SEO professionals to optimize their website.

But the truth is there are no hidden tricks that can make you appear on the first page but there are a few steps you can take to go higher on the search engine result pages (SERPs). In the below article, you are going to learn about these steps.

Steps you can take to rank higher on SERPs without any penalty

Learn about Google algorithms
If you want to achieve long-term success in the digital market then, you cannot afford to fall into the bad strategies and Google penalties. Majority of the marketers consider Google algorithms one of the biggest challenges they face while ranking. They need to understand that the aim of Google algorithms is to deliver only top quality information to searchers that can be universally accessible. Not only these Google algorithms try to put a stop to black hat SEO and link spamming but also give an opportunity to websites with top-quality content to rank higher on the Google. In order to rank higher on Google, you must have a keen understanding of the Google algorithms.

Determine whether your website is mobile-friendly
Around 60% of the online traffic comes from the mobile devices and the number is not showing any sign of decrease anytime sooner. Google does not leave any space for doubts and imaginations when it comes to the mobile-friendly websites. Through its blogs, Google has cleared that website that is not designed and developed for the mobile users will not rank higher on the search result.
Now, how will you determine if your website is mobile-friendly or not? There is a simple way, take Google mobile-friendly test to find out if your website is mobile-friendly or on the way to get penalised.

Identify and fix your penalties
Now once you have found out about the Google penalties, it is to time to analyse your website to check if there are any penalties on your website. This is necessary as there is no point of promoting the website with penalties.

Despite the on-page SEO bad link also harm the ranking of your website. SEO is not only about search engine optimization for websites but much more than this. According to the Matt Cutts, “Links should not just look natural but need to be original”. Therefore, it is important to focus on generating healthy links.

You can easily determine the bad links using:
• Ahrefs
• Majestic
• SEOprofiler
• Open Site Explorer

In the end, if optimized properly, these steps can help you to achieve keyword ranking for business websites. In case if you face any further optimization issue then, you can hire SEO professionals.

Author's Bio: 

Qdexi Technology is an experienced IT solutions & services company. In a very short period of time, the company has successfully served thousands of customers around the world. The company has direct offices in the USA, Saudi Arabia and India. For further information on services visit the homepage.