If you've ever had an argument with someone you know how easily things can go sour. Everyone has deeply held beliefs and convictions they don't like to have challenged. If I could show you a simple way to persuade someone without challenging their beliefs would you be interested? If so, read on.

In any situation there will always be something that is true. Its impossible for a truism not to occur. For example, you are reading this article. You wouldn't argue with that, would you? You are breathing while you're reading this, aren't you? Eventually you're going to blink, right? ;)

With this simple Hypnotic language pattern I'm going to teach you, you will be able to get people on your side easily and effortlessly. You won't need to use any super secret Hypnosis or NLP techniques. What you are going to learn is known as The Agreement Frame.

A few basic examples of agreement frames are as follows:

"I agree you think that NLP is manipulative and I'd like to suggest that everything we do in life in manipulative. A baby cries because it needs food or needs to be changed."

"I appreciate that you think you can't be hypnotized and you're probably probably right. I can only hypnotize people that want to be hypnotized. So do you want to experience being deeply relaxed?

"I respect that you believe I'm doing the Devils work as a Hypnotherapist and I'd like to suggest that ignorance is the work of the Devil" ;) Yes, I have actually used that one before. It wasn't exactly like that, but you get the point.

So basically this hypnotic language pattern is I agree/appreciate/respect...and. You're basically reframing whatever they told you. There is yet another way to make this pattern much more powerful.

The issue isn't whether x...the issue is y...

"I agree you think that we should go to the Sushi restaurant for our date. The issue isn't whether you think we should go to the Sushi restaurant that we always go to, the issue is whether or not you want to try something that neither of us have tried before.

"I appreciate that you think you can't master hypnotic language patterns, and the issue isn't whether you think you can't master these hypnotic language patterns, the issue is if you're prepared to use them ethically. Nice way to turn it back on someone ;)

Author's Bio: 

Antonio Perez is a Hypnotherapist on Kauai that helps people to quit smoking in Kauai. He also reviews Hypnosis training Products. If you want to master hypnotic language patterns subscribe to the Hypnosis Reviews newsletter to get 12 FREE Hypnosis and NLP training products from 12 of the worlds TOP experts!