So, you want to know how to get your ex-boyfriend back. I understand. I've been in your shoes before and I know how bad breakups can hurt. I realize that it's of little comfort to you now, but do know that things will get better whether you get him back or not.

I would be lying if I said there is a magic formula that is guaranteed to get your man back. Relationships are different, and sometimes there is nothing that can be done to heal the wounds and bring two people back together. That said, many relationships can be salvaged. It is certainly worth a shot if you think your relationship is worth saving. If so, you can do the following three things right now to try to get him back.

1) Give him some room.

Avoid the temptation to call, email and text message him constantly. He will see this as needy and annoying, which will only push him away. Instead, leave him alone for awhile.

I know that this is a hard thing to do, but you need to be disciplined. By not harassing him, you will spark his innate curiosity. He will wonder what happened to you and if you still care about him. Odds are, he will initiate contact with you again if you just give him some time.

2) Don't try to make him jealous

This is where many, many people make a mistake. They think that by immediately going out with other people they will make their ex jealous and he/she will coming running back. That may work occasionally. However, most of the time you are only going to send the signal that you have moved on, and he will do the same.

3) Work on yourself

The easy thing to do after you've been dumped is to sulk and sink into a deep depression. Like the previous steps, this one is hard, but you will be doing yourself a favor if you do this. Instead of moping around and talking about your breakup non-stop with anyone who will listen, keep your chin up and try to act self confident. If your ex sees or hears that you are doing fine and dandy on your own, you are much more likely to get back together.

Each relationship is unique and they are usually much more complicated than simply doing three things and winning him back. However, the above three steps are a good start to getting back together and staying together.

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For more tips and advice on how to get your ex-boyfriend back visit this site.