How To Keep Husband Happy At Night: How To Impress Husband On Bed At Night

Your man is able to put a smile on your face nightly in the bedroom. He knows what you like and he knows how to satisfy you. You want to give him the same kind of pleasure. You want your man to feel pleasure from you and you want to be able to drive him wild in bed. Most of all, you want to learn how to make him happy in bed.

You need to learn some sex tips to help to make your man have one of the best orgasms of his life. It is important that you do this so you can keep your man interested and satisfied. Giving him the same kind of pleasure on a nightly basis can certainly become redundant. You want to make him happy in bed so you need to make some changes.

The easiest way to make a man happy in bed by giving him an out of this world orgasm is to make one of his fantasies come true. We all have sexual fantasies that we would love to make a reality so the best way to give him out of this world pleasure is to make one of his deepest fantasies come true. Of course, you want to do something for him that is going to keep him excited and that is going to make you feel comfortable. You don't want to do something that is going to make you feel uneasy or else it won't be enjoyable. Open up a discussion with your man about his fantasies and the two of you can come up with something exciting and sexy for you to do.

Another way to make a man happy in bed is to have an orgasm. If you want to watch him explode with satisfaction, one of the best ways to make that happen is to do it yourself. Let him watch you have an orgasm and satisfy yourself or else, let him do it to you first. Knowing that you have felt an extreme amount of pleasure will make him feel the same way and it will get him aroused faster than any other method. He will hang onto the visual of seeing and feeling your body release and this will certainly make him happy in bed and make him have an unreal orgasm himself.

Using these sex tips in the bedroom will not only put a smile on your man's face, but it will also give him an incredibly intense orgasm- one that he won't soon forget.

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The other day I mentioned to a friend that my husband and I would be celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary in September. She gave me a shocked look and said, "60 Years. How could anyone spend 60 years married to the same person?"

I was a little disappointed at her reaction. I had expected something more like, "Congratulations," or "That's wonderful," but instead she made it sound like the most boring waste of life she could imagine.

Well, it hasn't been a boring 60 years. Far from it. Neither has it been unending fairy tale bliss, but I wouldn't trade the last 60 years for anyone else's life.

If anyone were to ask me how it's done, the living with the same partner for all those years I mean, I guess I would have to tell them 3 things.

1. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

I know that sounds trite, but it has saved our marriage from countless arguments over the years. When I have been tempted to make a biting comment about something my husband has done or said, I ask myself, "Is it worth an argument?" and usually decide not to say whatever it was I had planned to say.

Yes, some might argue that not saying what they think isn't healthy---that we need to express our opinions. That's true when an opinion really needs to be expressed, and I don't hesitate to do it if that is the case. The point I am making is that an invitation to an argument often disguises itself as our right to express an opinion. If you really feel strongly about making your point, make sure it is done in a polite, non-confronting way.

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2. Listen to what each other has to say.

Have you noticed that people who have a lot of friends are usually good listeners? I know several women who complain that their husbands never listen to them. No wonder. All they do is talk.

If you want your husband to listen to what you have to say, give him plenty of time to say what he wants to say first. If something is important enough for your mate to share with you, it is important enough for you to give it your full attention.

When trouble or sorrow comes into your life, take time to share your feelings. Having a caring husband or wife can make problems easier to bear.

3. Always show respect for your spouse.

Lack of respect for one's partner is more obvious when you are with other people, but it frequently occurs at home, too.

I remember my husband saying to a group one time that he thought I was the smartest woman he knew. Of course, that might have indicated that he didn't know very many women, but having him say that lifted my spirits in a way I have never forgotten. My husband thought I was smart! (Maybe he was the smart one, figuring that a comment like that would earn him lots of apple pie and affection later on at home.)

The point is, that praising your husband or wife in public lets them, and everyone else, know that you respect them, and that, to me, is worth its weight in gold.

At home, showing respect by showing gratitude for favors, not interrupting to get your own point across, and letting your spouse know you appreciate them are great ways to remind your spouse just how special they are to you.

Anyway, those are just a few of the ways I have managed to survive 60 years of being married to the same man and I can honestly say I wouldn't have had it any other way.

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To paraphrase Merriam-Webster, calm is defined as freedom from storms; a place of tranquility. In marriage, calm is like the container that nestles the union of two people. It is the vessel in which marriage resides. It is freedom from storms. It is a place of tranquility.

The three steps to creating or expanding the vessel of calm for your marriage include:

1. Shifting from reacting to responding

2. Creating inner space

3. Focusing upon well-being

A stormy marriage is a source of anxiety. All involved suffer in the storm. Activities, work and health habits are negatively impacted by anxiety. The first step to creating calm for your marriage is to shift from reacting to responding in communication with your partner. Pause between stimulus and response. Maybe you have tried the remedy of counting to 10 before you respond. A more powerful tool to help you thoughtfully respond rather than instinctively react is Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT for short). EFT is a simple tapping technique that takes the edge off of emotional reactivity. Another technique is to become emotionally and mentally present in the moment. Your awareness of how your anxiety is taking center stage can be enough for you to shift to a state of mind that feels better. Once you feel better, you are able to respond rather than react. Practice will allow you to shift in just moments from reactivity to responsiveness.

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The next step to enveloping your marriage in calm is to make space within. From mundane obligations to national and world crises, the mind becomes cluttered with thoughts that spill out into your marriage. Use a calendar system to capture your "to do's" and assign them a beginning and ending time on your schedule. Scheduling time for "to do's" will free them from your mind and put them into a place where action can occur. To de-clutter fear and worry from your mind, try creative visualization. Creative visualization is an excellent tool to release oppressing fears and create space in your mind. In this space resides calm. Try it and see how your marriage thrives in the space of calm.

The third step to creating calm in your marriage involves focusing upon well-being. When you are disappointed, angry and upset with your mate you know you feel awful! Removing your focus from these negative feelings, and shifting to a state of "wellness" will contribute calm to your marriage. Thoughts of gratitude are a quick tool to shift away from your angry feelings toward. Put your attention toward something about yourself for which you are grateful. Maybe you will notice your strong hands, your lovely smile, or precision eye sight. Stay in this feeling place of gratitude and appreciation for a few moments. You will find your negative emotions release and you begin to create sensations of well- being and calm.

You have the power to create calm in your marriage. Try visualizing floating in a pool of water that is the perfect temperature and buoyancy. Floating here provides you with a feeling of freedom, confidence and endless opportunities. This is what you will experience in your marriage when you achieve calm. Creating calm around your marriage will allow your relationship to shine brilliantly. Begin with step one.

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"Tell me, how do I save my marriage?" - A common question that gets asked by spouses who are experiencing troubling times with their other half. Feeling like the world is at an end and that there are no more ways to save a marriage, is a common gut wrenching experience that a large proportion of the married adult population is bestowed with.

My advice is simple to grasp, however it's one of those 'easier said than done' moments. I'm not going to say this is one of the best ways to save a marriage, however it is an important one to note. What is it? - Ensure that you keep communicating with each other.

Marriages often break down because of lack of communication. In fact many relationships slowly fade away over the years with neither spouse making any effort to communicate with each other. Without someone to initiate any sort of communication the marriage breaks down without even a fight.

Some may think that talking or even communicating with their spouse spells trouble, especially when they're feeling particularly hot-headed. Maybe other ways to save a marriage should be considered you might be thinking.

It's often difficult to keep your cool and settle differences when you and your spouse are feeling anything but calm and collected. A screaming match often ensues when neither spouse is willing to back down and communicate in a civil manner. Like kerosene on an open flame, things can often get pretty explosive. Inevitably we say things to each other which are down right uncalled for and only do further damage to the relationship.

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If you really can't keep your cool, I suggest you step back and walk away. Don't walk into a gas station with a blowtorch - someone will get burnt. When you're emotions are running wild, you are not thinking rationally. Going in guns blazing will only result in regret.

The idea is to talk and not scream. Think before you speak. Voicing your opinions is perfectly fine provided they are not insults or intentionally antagonizing. Keeping calm and listening to what your spouse has to say is important for effective communication. If you can sense that you are raising your voice - take a breather and slow down, be sure to keep things civil and don't raise your voice.

It's not easy to keep your cool when your spouse is pushing for a heated fight. But don't give in, stay in control of your emotions and keep talking in a calm manner. Chances are your spouse will eventually mirror your demeanor, if you keep it up.

If you're wondering "How do I save my marriage when my other half won't calm down?" I feel for you. It's difficult when you're the only one doing their best to remain cool and trying to dampen the fire, rather than fueling it. But look at this way, if you're not fueling the fire - it's a good start! As I said, in comparison to other ways to save a marriage, this may not be the best, but it's sure an important one to consider.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.

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There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

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