Many people find running as a great way to become fit and healthy. It is such a pretty easy thing to do that a lot of people have it simply as their hobby. Of course, it can be a bit challenging at first but the effects are really worth it.

It is also among the most effective strategies in order to lose weight. It is a cardio exercise and it greatly lessens the risk of getting hold of some diseases. Running also makes your heart as well as lungs stronger and it develops your self-confidence and boosts your energy.

So many get hooked that it can be such a buzz kill when things become too hectic for people or the weather gets in the way that it prevents them from working out. That is why a lot of runners have a treadmill as a back-up plan because this equipment they can really use whenever they want to and no matter the season.

To be more helpful, here are some points to ponder on prior to working out on the treadmill:

Why opt for a treadmill?
It allows you to run anytime of the day or night or in any weather or season. Plus, running on the treadmill is a lot safer than being outdoors.

Treadmill machines have a smooth surface for you to run on. It is kinder to your joints compared to the rough and uneven pavements outside which can be harmful for your body. Being indoors and on the treadmill leaves you safe and sound from creepy people or having dogs or wild animals run after you. If you practice the proper technique of working out on the treadmill, you don't have to worry about injuring yourself.

It is also easier to control your pace as well as the incline on the treadmill. It is actually pretty cool to be able to view your statistics as you work out. You are able to maintain a consistent speed and you can easily find the right setting for yourself as you try the different programs of the treadmill. And if you feel like it, you can challenge yourself as you adjust the settings for a tougher workout.

However, if you really are the type who enjoys being outdoors, than being on the treadmill can never replace that feeling of running on an actual road along with the wind and even the sun. But when external forces prevent you from doing so, a treadmill is a great alternative.

How do you burn more calories when using a treadmill?
What you can really do to achieve weight loss faster, you have to change up the level of intensity of your workout.

Challenge yourself through either the preset programs or setting it up manually. Doing either or both can help you have better and faster progress in achieving your fitness goals.

To do an interval workout, you have to make sure that you have warm up beforehand. Adjust the settings of the treadmill on the usual speed that you normally use and then you can also alternate and set it into a faster speed for certain time intervals like switching from slow to fast from one to five minutes. When you are a newbie, just start with five intervals and then slowly speed up and increase your intervals as you get the hang of it.

When you are just starting out with using a treadmill, you should try checking out the equipments of a nearby gym before you actually get yourself one for residential use. Top quality treadmills can get pricey so you must be able to know what you want in your own for a better investment.

Treadmills are practical and they are a good back up to when it is not possible for you to run outdoors.

Author's Bio: 

Francine is a contributor for If you want to know the ratings and reviews of the latest Nordictrack treadmills and ellipticals, please visit