Paint sprayer guns seem to get a bit of a negative press. Now I'm not saying they don't have some down sides but in my experience it depends on what you are planning to paint.

Just imagine that you have a row of fence panels, this is one example where my Paint Sprayer comes into its own.

Here's how it works:

  • Prepare yourself - You should always protect your eyes by wearing glasses. It's also important not to breathe in too many paint fumes; when working inside I wear a mask, outside I don't tend to bother, but it's up to you. Another good idea is to familiarise with the safety instruction in the manual before taking on your first project.
  • Prepare the area around your fencing - the paint sprayer doesn't tend to over-spray or produce a lot of paint mist, but if you are working close to plants or furniture that you don't want to spoil then it's worth taking the precaution of covering them. Also make sure the area to be painted is clean and dust free.
  • Prepare the paint - this is a very important step, if you spend time at the beginning you will save yourself a lot of hassle in the long run. You need to get the consistency right, do this by filling the cup provided, just put it into the paint and when full lift it out. Next you need to time how long it takes for the cup to empty. If the paint is too thick it will need to be watered down, all paints are different, therefore I can't be specific here, you will need to check the container along with your paint sprayer instruction manual to get this step finished. This electric paint sprayer is motorised, therefore to avoid clogging if particles are present it's also advisable to strain the paint. If you decide to use stain rather than paint on your fence panels it is unlikely that you will need to thin it, a point worth considering if your time is limited.
  • Practice - It appears that many people that have made negative comments on paint sprayers, haven't practiced using them, they just pick it up and expect it to be a "quick fix". This is rarely the case with anything new. There is a knack and you need to practice to get the right technique depending on the job in hand.

For example if you are painting a tall fence, the best results will be if you angle the tube towards the back of the sprayer container and set the nozzle horizontally. This way you will avoid wastage.

Another tip is to keep the same distance from the fence and spray in 20 inch long sections at a time. At the same time try to keep your wrist as steady as possible to avoid jerky movements and an uneven finish.

When the job is done all that's left to do is clean your Paint Sprayer, ready for the next project. Water based paint will just require hot soapy water.

You need the best paint sprayer for fences if you are into remodelling or home improvement. At refityourhome you get to know the best sprayer you should opt for.

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